立管101, Part 1: A Beginner’s Guide to Standpipe Firefighting

由Clay Magee



已故安迪·弗雷德里克斯(Andy Fredericks)once said: “Standpipe systems are like a big black hole. You put water in one end and hope that water will come out the other end.” That is the God’s honest truth when it comes to fire protection systems. Standpipes are one of the most misunderstood aspects in firefighting for most of the fire service. Unless you work in New York City, Chicago, or other major metropolitan cities that fight fire in high-rise or standpipe-equipped buildings on a regular basis, chances are you know little about these systems. These systems are complex: Anything that can go wrong most likely will go wrong.

I’ve been fortunate to listen to the who’s-who instandpipe和高层消防世界多次:188金博网网址多少比尔·古斯汀,Dave McGrail,Ray McCormack,John Ceriello,Dennis Legear等。这些专家主要在该国的不同地区工作,并且所有专家的运作方式都不同。但是,很多standpipe188金博网网址多少无论您走到哪里,消防都是一样的,只要是一个经验丰富的立管消防部门。该国的大部分地区在站立式消防方面没有经验,但是配备了立管的建筑物在整个郊区都变得越来越普遍。188金博网网址多少接下来是一个由四部分组成的Stermpipe Systems概述,国家消防协会(NFPA)代码,对其进行调节,设备选择,软管负载,甚至一些关于泵送这些系统的想法。这些是基础:您将看到对系统及其需求的了解如何导致设备选择,依此类推。


(1)休斯顿大火约翰·南宁亚(John Nanninga)。


安迪·弗雷德里克斯(Andy Fredericks):立管系统操作:发动机公司基础知识


Gustin: Standpipe Operations: Preparation

McGrail and Tracy: Standpipe Operations: Facts and Fiction


理解立管的第一步是技术数据,stangpipes的类别,Standpipes的类型以及与之相关的相关NFPA标准和建议。这是第一个构建块。这些标准及其包含的信息可以推动所有在指定和购买软管,喷嘴和设备方面做出所有决策。它们不仅指导您的设备开发,还指导您如何泵送这些系统。有三类的立管。I类立管用于训练有素的消防员使用。他们有一个2½英寸的出口,能够从每个单独的出口中流动至少250加仑(GPM)。每个立管应能够流动500 gpm。该泵应能够从第一个立管提供500 gpm,并从每额外的立管中提供250 gpm。该泵应能够至少提供30分钟。 Class II standpipes are for civilian use. These are the hose cabinets that you see in older buildings (Photo 1). They are being phased out and most jurisdictions have removed the occupant use hose. They do not have the same standards as Class I or Class III standpipes. They have a 1 ½-inch connection with single jacketed hose with a twist off type nozzle. They are only capable of producing 100 gpm. These should not be used by firefighters. The third class, Class III (Photo 2), meets all the same criteria as Class I however, they have a 1 ½- and a 2 ½-inch connection. You may find these types of connections in a wall cabinet and the occupant use hose has been removed. It is important that if you use 1 ¾-inch hose, do not use the 1 ½-inch connection; use the 2½-inch connection with a reducer or pig tail. Remember, Class II connections have limited pressure and limited gpm.


(2)休斯顿大火约翰·南宁亚(John Nanninga)。

有两个主要类别的硕大,湿一个nd dry. Wet systems are either automatic wet or manual wet. Automatic wet systems keep water in the standpipe system at all times and have a fire pump capable of providing the needed pressures. Manual wet systems keep water in the system at all times but are not backed up by a pump. A combination manual wet standpipe and sprinkler system may have sufficient pressure to supply sprinklers without a pump or need a relatively small pump to supply sprinklers but will not adequately supply hose outlets.

消防部门将不得不提供消防部门的连接(FDC),以对其攻击线施加压力。自动系统是高层建筑中最常见的系统,但是每个部门都必须执行固定前的计划和建筑物检查以识别任何异常系统。自动和半自动干系统将空气保持在立管中。自动系统将空气保持在压力下。如果打开了立管插座阀,它将打开一个允许水填充系统的阀。半自动系统的空气未经压力。水是通过必须手动激活的干管阀引入的。上面的两个干系统具有永久性的供水。最后,手动干燥系统在系统中没有压力的空气,没有消防泵或供水,因此必须在进行火灾攻击之前必须使用FDC。这些在容易冰冻的区域中很常见。 They are also notoriously unreliable due to their accessibility to vandals. Caps can be missing and valves open with no indication until you charge the system and water spills out of multiple unused outlets and you are unable to build pressure in the system.

有两个主要的NFPA文档与立管有关。第一个也是最著名的是NFPA 14,安装立管和软管系统的标准. The second is NFPA 13E,Recommended Practice for Fire Department Operations in Properties Protected by Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems。NFPA 14是一个设计和安装标准,但它具有与我们作为最终用户有关的许多信息。最小和最大的压力以及允许的旅行距离所需的大量要点。这些都很重要。首先,有两种不同版本的NFPA 14符合系统:1993年之前和1993年之后建造的系统。对标准的更改是在1991年2月在宾夕法尼亚州费城的一次子午线广场大火之后,三名费城消防员死于该线路。义务。这场大火是高层消防和设备选择方面的臭名昭著的案例研究。188金博网网址多少许多文章以及NIOSH的报告都已经写了有关这场悲剧的文章。简而言之,费城消防局在这场大火中受到低压力的困扰,并且还跑了1¾英寸的自动雾喷嘴。由于这场大火,NFPA 14被重写。

美国14两个最大和最小允许了let pressures. Prior to 1993, the minimum allowable residual pressure (pressure when water is flowing) was 65 psi at the most remote outlet, usually the roof. Post-1993, that pressure was changed to 100 psi. This pressure is also the minimum for any outlet along the system. You should expect them at any outlet. Either pressure reducing valves (PRVs) or pressure restricting devices (PRDs), collectively called pressure regulating devices (see below), are required by NFPA 14 to reduce pressures when excess pressure is in the system. If you think about it, the pressure imposed on the second-floor outlet will be much more than the pressure imposed on the 30th floor outlet because of the head pressure and proximity to the fire pump. The fire pump may be putting out 300 psi to get 65 psi at the roof. The pressure on floor 2 is going to be a lot higher than 175 psi. These devices are required and installed to combat this effect. NFPA 14 post-1993 states that when the static pressure at a 2 ½-inch outlet exceeds 175 psi, a pressure regulating device must be installed to limit the static AND residual pressure to no more than 175 psi. However, the valves can be set to any number as long as it is above the minimum 100 psi (65 psi pre 1993) and below the maximum 175 psi residual pressure. The 1990 edition required static and flow pressurenot to exceed100 psi。同样,该设备不应被调整以达到100 psi以上的压力。

最后,我们将谈论旅行距离。NFPA 14要求在非悬挂的建筑物中,与出口的旅行距离不超过130英尺,在洒水建筑中的旅行距离不超过200英尺。如果旅行的距离超过这些数字,则需要将插座放在带有火评估门的走廊中;一个例子是医院或学校。因此,如果建筑物是根据NFPA标准建造的,则可以访问建筑物地板的任何部分,距离站立式软管不超过200英尺。不过,让我们为事情扔扳手。最好和公认的做法是使您的立管连接在火灾下方的地板上。这很容易在您的Hoselay中增加50英尺,将最大放置更改为250英尺。

NFPA 13E是下一个文件,并不常见,通常被消防部门忽略。NFPA 13E是“建议”,而不是“标准”。如果您一直在密切关注,那么您可能已经选择了立管是低压系统。13e专门为该建议A附件A的消防部门的设备提出了建议。附件A重申了我们在NFPA 14中上面谈论的大部分内容,得出的结论是,应使用250 gpm的喷嘴250 gpm的2.5英寸软管,应使用50 psi的操作喷嘴压力。同样,它重申了不使用插座上的封闭式WYE,以试图从单个出口操作两个螺旋线。请记住,单个插座只能流动250 gpm。



(5)Anthony Rowett Jr,移动火。

Recall that we briefly mentioned pressure regulating devices. PRDs reduce pressure and flow by interfering with or restricting the size of the orifice. They may be metal rings placed inside of the standpipe outlet to create a smaller orifice or they may be a stopper added to the standpipe wheel to keep it from opening past a certain point. There are multiple different types. Research and become familiar with them all (photos 3-5). When encountered they should be removed prior to connecting fire department hoses or appliances. Some can be removed by having the proper hex key or being broken off with a striking tool.



(8)Anthony Rowett Jr,移动火

降低压力的其他常见设备是PRV,尽管系统压力达到了系统压力,但这些阀仍保持恒定的流动压力和GPM。这些阀门可以进行出厂调整(预设)或现场调整*。经过工厂调整的单元针对每层楼的特定,必须在安装过程中格外小心,以确保它们在适当的地板上。一旦技术人员将现场调整单元安装在地板上后,将进行现场校准。另一个小部分可调节的是某些人所说的Fireground。这些可以由消防部门的人员进行适当的专有技术调整,并且需要特定的杆进行操纵。PRV通常可以通过阀门顶部或引擎盖上的大型边缘来区分(照片6-8),但并非总是如此(请参阅Zurn/Wilkins和Croker Systems)。同样,一旦卸下末端盖,光滑的茎的存在是PRV的直接迹象(照片9)。非PRV将具有螺纹茎(照片10.)。PRV也可以安装在天花板上,在水流到软管出口或洒水系统之前降低压力。 This is common in combination systems where the sprinkler system and standpipe system share a common riser. Sprinklers require higher pressures than standpipes due to friction loss in smaller piping and higher operating pressures. In this situation, the system can share one PRV, reducing pressure before separating into the sprinkler piping and standpipe system for the floor. In addition, PRVs are a one-way valve relying on pressure from behind to open the valve. When it comes to pumping buildings there are two main concerns. First is that each valve has required system pressure, which will cause the valve to unseat. If you take over the system, pump the system demand pressure to get the rated outlet pressure for the valve. Second, during FDC emergencies, often the driver’s first thought is to pump into the standpipe itself via the first-floor outlet. The PRV is a one-way valve that is opened by pressure on the back side. You will not be able to pump into a standpipe outlet that has a PRV; it will close the valve shut. We will discuss pumping these systems in further detail later on.

(9)Anthony Rowett Jr,移动火

(10)Anthony Rowett Jr,移动火

再一次,有很多不同类型的PRV,您应该研究并熟悉每种PRV。如果您的管辖区具有可调式PRV,请确保在您的事前计划中存在调整棒,并可能在立管袋中携带一些。如前所述,PRV引起严重问题的最著名的高层火灾之一是费城的一个子午线广场。尽管PRV是可调的,但在安装过程中,它们的设置不正确,导致消防员的startpipe Outlet压力约为45 psi。该案例研究是高层战术和设备历史上的重要研究,并展示了对低压武器(例如2½英寸软管和光滑的孔喷嘴)的需求。同样,这就是1993年版的NFPA 14和最小压力增加的原因。

Everything is interconnected, and firefighters cannot make decisions without the proper knowledge. Knowledge of these systems is important whether you are working in the building or putting your equipment together.

In part 2 of this series, we will cover nozzle selection, hose selection, and equipment needed for standpipe operations.



克莱·马吉(Clay Magee)克莱·马吉(Clay Magee)is an instructor with魔术城卡车学院以及伯明翰(AL)消防和救援和切尔西消防和救援的消防员/护理人员。目前,他被分配在伯明翰营救20。克莱(Clay)于2004年在密西西比州立大学就读时在东俄克斯坦(East Oktibbeha)消防局开始了他的职业生涯。自2013年以来,他就一直在伯明翰大火。他热衷于强行进入和高层行动。188金宝搏合法他拥有密西西比州立大学的工商管理学士学位,哥伦比亚南部大学的消防科学副学士学位以及阿拉巴马州消防学院的多项认证。

ins and of the Halligan

Part 1: Chief and His Ugly Bar


