Fighting Cancer on the Fireground: One Department’s Model

Jacksonville thoughts on firefighter cancer

With firefighter cancer on the rise and the risks of cancer growing exponentially with today’s dynamically toxic environment firefighters need to be more aware and take more precautions in order to remain healthy. Jacksonville (FL) Fire Rescue Department has begun an innovative program to try to improve firefighters’ health and safety by reducing their exposure to toxins on the fireground. Learn what JFRD is doing and what potentially more can be done to lower your risk of cancer from fighting fire.

  • Learn what motivated JFRD to fight cancer
  • Learn what JFRD is doing today to improve safety and survivability on the Fireground
  • Learn what others are doing and what may be done in the future to reduce exposure to carcinogens

This Webcast originally aired on June 25, 2015. Watch in the player below.

Trevor Nelson
, Fire District 9 Chief/Hazardous Materials Chief, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department


Reducing the Incidence of Cancer Among Firefighters: Jacksonville’s Best Practices

Collaborating for Firefighter Safety and Health

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