它始于招募学校……每日清洁,绘画tools,无论每个人在一天的工作中有多筋疲力尽,都必须完成公司“家务劳动”的常规。一次消防员transition to station life, they may notice the routines around housework don’t change much. Ax-heads and哈利根仅适用于装饰目的的酒吧定期抛光;仪器compartmentsare emptied and cleaned when nothing in them was used; floors are swept and vacuumed in rooms no one walks in. It may seem ridiculous to do perform these tasks every shift when everyone is starving, spent, and ready to go home to their families. However, they are actually establishing beneficial habits that will serve firefighters well in their careers. It is through the routines of188博金宝体育1and station housework that firefighters learn that everything isn’t an emergency, but everything has to be ready for the next emergency. This is no small responsibility.
紧急情况是消防员的行动实际上可以在当下生命或死亡之间的区别。我们的消防员喜欢相信我们所做的99%是这一类别,但老实说,事实并非如此。我们确保紧急情况,需要干预以减少伤害的情况,在大多数情况下不会成为紧急情况。例如,引擎可能会接到电话alarm activation。到达现场后,注意到警报系统发生故障。没有火。这不是紧急情况。但是,这是一个紧急情况。如果未修复故障,如果发生火灾并且警报系统无法正常激活,可能会发生真正的紧急情况。我们所有人都必须准备通过共同努力并从准备状态下运作来解决紧急情况和紧急情况。
The term “urgency” is used a lot in the fire service. Instructors and高级消防员s希望新的消防员在他们所做的一切中都具有“紧迫感”。这意味着做得很好。现在做;并且不要to绕,也不要在动作或举止上望而却步。新的消防员将被告知在步行到现场或从卡车上拿出设备时“提高步伐”。这是紧迫感的一部分。
New firefighters will quickly discover that everything in the station and on a scene needs to be done “right now.” There doesn’t seem to be a difference in how quickly the reports need to be finished, the dishes washed, the vehicles checked off, or the fire extinguished. This can feel overwhelming and may not make sense initially: these don’t seem like life-or-death issues. This sense of urgency exists around all of these tasks because it is your crew’s responsibility to complete them. If you are at a busy station, leaving tasks until later could mean they may never get done. Leaving dirty dishes in a sink, leaving fire apparatus low on fuel, and leaving reports unfinished look like laziness to the oncoming shifts. This can create tension if it happens often. Even worse, if vehicles are left low on fuel, if items are used on calls and not replaced or put back on the truck broken, you are leaving the oncoming shifts at a true disadvantage—one that may turn an urgent situation into a true emergency.
清洁设备和设备零件和执行清单的重复不仅仅是填补无事可做的时间。这是必需的,因为活动本身是有价值的。这些动作可以帮助消防员学习并记住物品在哪里,以便在通话过程中轻松访问它们。如果使用更高级的消防员进行清洁和库存,则有培训和讨论的机会。例如,在清洁和库存驾驶员的隔间时驾驶员泵操作员(DPO)or a高级消防员,新的消防员可以学习不同的电器如何融合在一起。卡车上有什么样的喷嘴以及它们的工作方式;车厢中保存的不同类型的手动工具,并由DPO在事件场景中使用;DPO的偏好是使用适配器,设备和喷嘴。经过几个月的清洁和库存,新的消防员将在驾驶员隔间周围开发肌肉记忆,并能够轻松地为驾驶员提供任何请求的物品,即使在真正紧急的压力下也是如此。
What else does all this cleaning and inventorying while working together accomplish? It creates a sense of pride of ownership for the crew. It creates a strong team because it allows all members to work together at the same level. Everyone can also see what the other members of the team know—that builds confidence. When each shift performs this way, it creates the pride of ownership for the whole station. This can move through the whole department. Or not. This is not easy. Shifts are long and hard. The constant sense of urgency can be mentally exhausting and leave people irritable. Physical and mental wear and tear can have a negative effect on your passion for the job.酋长里克·拉斯基(Rick Lasky)写a whole book about how passion is the one element that makes the fire service effective。消防员对这份工作的热情使他们能够努力,保持积极,并继续执行建立团队的任务,而不是等待别人完成工作。做这项工作!作为一名新消防员,请要求更多的高级消防员提供帮助非常重要。即使他们一开始对此感到抱怨,他们也会愿意提供帮助。每个人都喜欢谈论他们所知道的和爱!
The fire service is full of people who prefer to learn by doing; looking atbooks或看视频isn’t enough to ensure proficiency in lifesaving skills. It may not seem like it, but the housework and the tool cleaning, the apparatus washing and the inventorying, the testing and check-offs that happen daily and weekly are turning you into a subject matter expert on your station and equipment. Your ability to find and use the correct pieces of equipment—correctly—lays the foundation for your career in the fire service. It also allows you to teach and mentor others as they come into the station. Firefighters are truly expected to be Jacks and Jills of all trades. The variety of tools and equipment we learn how to use proves this. Perform the daily duties thoroughly and with the knowledge that they are required to save lives—not just fill the time! These tasks are required to ensure we are all prepared to work together to serve the community when true emergencies occur.

Mandy George是切萨皮克(VA)消防局的退休中尉。她拥有紧急和灾难管理硕士学位,专业写作硕士学位以及紧急医疗服务副学士学位。她还是全国注册的护理人员(NRP)和弗吉尼亚紧急医疗服务(VAOEMS)教育协调员。
Introduction to the Fire Academy: Hoselines, Water Supply, and Academy Graduation
Introduction to the Fire Academy: Confined Space, Vehicle Extrication, and Live Burns