本周训练:强行进入 - 直通锁定方法

Taking a halligan tool to a door to force entry into a structure may be the quickest method for gaining access, but it’s not always necessary. Pot-of-meat calls are examples of incidents where forcing entry and doing significant damage to the door, doorway, and lock might not be the best approach. In such instances, through-the-lock methods of forcing entry are more appropriate. Additionally, according to Howard A. Chatterton, author ofVolunteer Training Drills–A Year of Weekly Drills: “You can also create a good public image if you cause no major or expensive damage to the structure.”

This week’s Drill of the Week reviews some methods that can help you develop proficiency in opening door locks while at the same time increasing safety, ensuring damage control, and creating good public relations.


建议的材料包括Fire Engineering’sForcible Entry Video #2,Through the Lock: Cylinders and Key Tools; a door with locks; an Adams Rite lock; shove knives; and a K- tool.

Preparation includes visiting locksmiths to obtain samples (small sections of doors with locks mounted to them). You can also get an old door and mount several locks of different types along the edges. Obtain at least one Adams Rite lock mechanism, and mount it in a door or a section of 2 ×6 wood. Select a door at the station where you can demonstrate and have members practice using the shove knife. Try to schedule the drill just before an auto extrication drill, so members can practice opening the doors of a donated car with a Slim Jim.

Running The Drill
第一部分 - 刀具

  • Size up the bolt. If there is no dead bolt, the shove knife may be viable.
  • Demonstrate how to use the shove knife. Note that spreading the frame slightly in conjunction with using the shove knife may slip the bolt.

Part II-Videotape

Part III-Practical

  1. Remove the cylinder from the Adams Rite lock.
    • Point out how fine the threads are.
    • 显示固定螺丝的小。
    • 强调门的昂贵程度以及消防员的潜在危害。
    • 让学生使用关键工具进行练习。
  2. 从高安全性锁中卸下圆柱体。
    • 指出固定螺丝的大小,很难扭曲。
    • Demonstrate that, with a double lock, you have to work two slides with the key tool.
  3. Rim Lock.
    Explain the following: first steps:
    • Look at the back of the lock.
    • 适合绊倒螺栓的关键工具。
    • 如果设置了夜间闩锁,请从锁上开车。
  4. Picking locks.
    • Explain that picking locks takes lots of practice.
    • 说明摘锁的原则。
    • 确定应使用的工具。
  5. 打开车门锁使用苗条的吉姆。

As with any drill, brief the students beforehand, and critique at the end, to determine how to improve the drill.

To review training officer and safety officer considerations, visithttp://fe.pennnet.com/Articles/Article_Display.cfm?Section=OnlineArticles&SubSection=HOME&PUBLICATION_ID=25&ARTICLE_ID=202453to review training officer and safety officer considerations.

有关此演习的更多信息,包括参考列表和Adams Rite Lock演示者的图纸,请访问http://store.yahoo.com/pennwell/voltraindril.htmlto purchaseVolunteer Training Drills–A Year of Weekly Drills.

FireEngineering.com Drill of the Week Archive

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