公共信息官:我们是“不小心”Sending the Wrong Message?

埃德·鲁克里格尔(Ed Ruckriegel)和丹妮丝·德塞里奥(Denise Deserio)

In most fire departments, a public information officer is responsible for telling the department’s story to the media and, ultimately, the community. In most cases, the media and community listen with interest to what is being said. However, the words we use to tell our story are as important as, if not more important than, what we are trying to say.

火灾调查报告和新闻稿使用这些单词“无意”and“偶然”描述几乎所有火灾的原因。这样的话不会激起情绪,也不归咎于责备。这y are compassionate toward the person or persons who just experienced the losses of a fire. But, are they the words we should be using when addressing the public?

当消防部门使用“无意”和“偶然的词语”,,,,” it cultivates the notion that fires just seem to happen and that there is not much a community can do about unwanted fires. This is不是我们想向公众传达的信息。消防部门必须努力改变对忽视大火的看法。
根据Merriam-Webster在线,,,,“accident” means “1 a an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstanceb 缺乏意图或必要性Chance
2 a 不幸的事件,尤其是由于粗心或无知而导致的事件……C an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought …”
完成调查报告或编译新闻稿时,请考虑使用最能支持消防任务的单词。选择用形容词讲述准确故事的单词,使其非常清楚大火是可以预见的,可以预防的。使用词典或同义词库找到适合这种情况的词。将粗心吸烟引起的火描述为“a reckless act by a person smoking a cigarette”personalizes the act and places blame as appropriate, reinforcing the fact that the fire was preventable. Perhaps describing the person who caused the kitchen fire as “thoughtless” or “absentminded” will change perceptions about putting food on the stove and leaving the food unattended.
If we want to change perceptions about fires and have people view fire as something that is preventable, we need to personalize the cause and place blame when appropriate. For example, law enforcement and activist campaigns have changed perceptions about operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs by assigning blame to the vehicle operator. In mostdriving under the influence (DUI) cases resulting in accidents and injuries to others, the driver did not故意地hit the victim, but the deliberate disregard for the safety of others allows for severe penalties, and public perception readily recognizes the incident as completely preventable, with fault clearly placed on the impaired driver.尽管缺乏伤害任何人的意图,但有意识地参与这种鲁ck行为的决定意味着这是意图。Perhaps we can use the law enforcement approach to change perceptions. Fire service press releases would end with phrases such as “The tenant was issued a citation for inattentive cooking” or “A fine was imposed for irresponsible smoking.”
Say what you mean, and mean what you say. We in the fire service need to take responsibility for our message, wording it in such a way as to challenge and enlighten public perception.如何你说这很重要什么you say.
Denise DeSerio is an administrative clerk for the City of Madison (WI) Fire Department, providing administrative support services for the command staff and fire prevention for the past 10 years.

自1979年以来,埃德·鲁克里格尔(Ed Ruckriegel)一直是肯塔基州的志愿消防员。他于1990年加入麦迪逊(WI)消防局,担任消防工程师,并管理该部门的防火服务。他于1994年晋升为消防元帅。此前,他曾是拉斯维加斯(NV)消防局的助理消防工程师。他拥有东肯塔基大学的理学学士学位。
