Managing the Urban Water Supply

保罗·夏皮罗(Paul Shapiro)的文章和照片

的end result of any fireground water delivery operation is toprovide the required volume of waterin the form of effective188金博网网址多少streams to reach and overwhelm the大火的英国热力单位,尽可能快,安全地击倒。这是对消防员做出反应的最小和最大火灾的正确性。
处理一个hydrant water supply,操作需要基于主动过程。主动意味着能够在需要或情况下采取行动,, in this case, means an insufficient water supply. It’s real simple: don’t wait until thewater supply problemoccurs. Have a plan for developing additional water in anticipation of its need. Too often we do the opposite and don’t address a water supply problem until it happens. By then, it can be too late. It can take as long as 15 minutes to set up a water supply operation. In 15 minutes, a fire can easily grow out of control, making the operation a catch-up disaster.
的following information will enable the decision makers on the fireground to maintain an adequate uninterrupted water supply throughout the duration of the incident. First, let’s discuss the low-flow fire of 500gallons per minute (gpm) or less.


小,流量火灾统计上做的很好with a basic supply line evolution from the hydrant. However, in the rare situation that the initial supply line can’t produce the required flow, you must have a plan to get more water. This type of operation is called “supplementalpumping,” a term used for operations that bring in an additional water supply to an engine that has its initial water supply and is running out. It is important to delegate this task to a unit from the start before a problem arises, not after. It can be as simple as having one operator with an engine set in staging ready to lay that second supply line to the pumping engine.

Many departments use a hydrant assist valve增加流向现有供水的流量。该设备与设备上的电源线的末端预先连接,并在铺设线时附着在消防栓上。当消防栓打开时,水流过阀门并直接进入供应线,直接进入接收泵,如正常操作中。如果需要从消防栓上进行更多的水,则第二个浮力器可以连接到阀门,将水通过泵转移,并在不关闭消防栓的情况下通过供应线增加流动线。

。(1) This Los AngelesCity (CA) Fire Department engine is pumping from
a hydrant using the hydrant assist valve.
Because of the rarechance that a problem can occur, I don’t think a secondary line should be laid automatically, although if a commander chooses to do this, I would not fault him.
次级供水应基于理性内的最大努力。显然,双重large-diameter hose (LDH) supply lines are not called for in a low-volume operation; however, a single LDH line, and even a pump on the hydrant, is acceptable. It will most likely be overkill, but why not? It takes little effort, and it is better to have more than enough water rather than too little. You never know when a fire could escalate rapidly.


During the initial size-up of a large-volume fire, one of the tasks that needs to be addressed is setting up secondary water supplies to the initial attacking units. Again, as with the small-fire operations, assign operators and their units to develop the evolutions needed. The only difference between the large- and small-water supplies is that the units should immediately deploy the secondary water supply evolutions. There’s thatproactive再次说。不要等待供水问题出现;设置该备份系统以期待问题,因为在大问题上,它很有可能会。现在是时候最大程度地努力将水尽可能多地供水到火场。

(2) If you run out of water, do you want to wait 15 minutes with streams like this?

Supplemental pumping is the key ingredient for a large-flow water delivery operation, especially when distant hydrants are needed to supply engines already operating and in need of more water.Often at large fires, the first few units will lay from hydrants close to the fire and spot in the area needed. This is when a water supply problem usually starts. These units have everything they need to attack the fire. They have the personnel, correct apparatus placement, and proper deployment of the discharge evolutions. Since these units brought in hydrants close to the fireground, the hydrant grid system in that area is becoming depleted of water or pressure.

(3)通常,第一个- 警报单位来自最接近的消防栓,对水主征税。
这是遥远的龙头时发挥作用。的goal is to pick a hydrant that is on another grid. Choosing hydrants on another grid means there is a good chance that they will be far away. The long supply lines needed for these hydrants will create high friction loss, which, in turn, will result in a significant loss from the hydrant being used.
To rectify this problem on these long lays, a relay pump operation should be set up to overcome the friction loss. A relay pump operation involves placing an engine at the water source to increase the pressure in the supply line by pumping into it. Now,对于继电器泵操作的接收端。请记住,我们已经有了与耗尽水的耗尽相关的单位,这些水供应将水输送到火上。接力赛的目标之一是用更多的水补充现有运营。在大多数情况下,这些单独的单元不需要大量的水来满足其水需求。继电器泵操作很有可能能够从1,500 GPM移动到2,000 GPM。因此,一个接力赛可以补充已经在火场上工作的两到三个单元。
Water main maps are very helpful in locating grids, but they are not always available to the fire departments. If in doubt as to where another grid is located, take the overkill approach. Lay extra hose to get far away from the fireground. This may require the unit’s laying the line to pass up several hydrants to get far enough away. It would not be uncommon to see a 1,000-foot or more lay to accomplish this.
A dual- 可以在继电器接收端的单元之间设置泵操作,从而使它们可以共享所带来的额外水。双抽水是一种演变,使发动机可以通过连接来自供应软管的供水软管共享相同的供水一台泵向另一个泵的摄入量。接力接收水供应的泵的残余压力将把水从该泵推向另一个。
(5)双重-pump operation allows units to share water,
Dual pumping can also be set up between engines before the water need arises. Establishing this link will open a line between the engines that will automatically share the water as needed. The unit in the dual- 剩余压力最低的泵操作将接收剩余压力较高的设备的水。水流采取阻力最小的路径。将发动机与双泵送和继电器泵送一起,尤其是在使用多个消防栓时,可以称为“循环供应线操作”。它以与循环水主系统相同的原理工作,该系统从多个方向或来源获取水。

(6)双重的替代品-pump operation uses a large gated manifold at the receiving end of the relay to distribute the water to multiple engines on the fireground.

Figure 1. This illustration shows a looped supply line evolution. Several engines are connected to five hydrants,使用双泵操作共享水。

Paul Shapiro 是火流技术主管。他是一位全国认可的大流量水的讲师。他还是拉斯维加斯市(NV)消防局的退休工程师。他为消防贸易杂志撰写了许多文章。自1981年以来,他一直在消防部门,是Layin'The Big Lines的作者 并制作了一系列有关大流水输送的视频。他可以回答问题;可以通过(702)293-5150或layinline

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