The Latest Danger Facing Today’s Firefighter: Social Media


Firefighters face many每天危险。每一个反应都暴露于消防员遇到火灾,危险品事件,传染病,身体伤害的危害和情感疤痕。消防员早就知道这些危险及其对会员职业的影响。现在,消防部门已经出现了一种新的和持续的危险,可能会引起同样的职业生涯终结,许多消防员尚未认识到这一点。必须让所有消防部门的成员意识到这种新的危险,并防止其后果。

这种可怕的新危险是什么,可以带来职业生涯的后果?答案是social media。Firefighters have long been revered as heroes willing to risk their lives to save others. Firefighting was not considered a profession that was entered into for high wages or extravagant benefits–it was a calling.The terror attacks of 9/11在大多数人的脑海中都加强了这个概念。但是9/11是10年前,在那个时候,通信设备的技术进步实质上将电影制片厂掌握在每个人的手中。将这些技术进步与国家经济低迷和对消防员的工资和福利进行的仔细审查相结合,您对当今的消防员有一个真正的问题。尚未看到这将如何影响消防部门的全部范围,但是对一些最近的事件的审查应该使消防部门注意到它不再像往常一样做生意。

Some of the events that have recently occurred include relatively minor incidents but that still have a negative impact on the fire service. Recently in a northeastern city, a tower ladder truck was photographed illegally parked blocking traffic on a busy downtown street while the crew of four firefighters was in a coffee shop enjoying an afternoon coffee. An aggravated civilian who was late for an appointment took a photo of the parked tower ladder and immediately e-mailed it to the mayor’s office. The result was a quick and painful call from the mayor’s office requiring the fire chief to explain this indulgence. In addition, a local investigative news reporter captured a video of an engine company shopping for food at a market in a neighboring city. This resulted in an investigative report on the six o’clock news and another painful call from the mayor’s office requiring the local fire chief to explain why his fire trucks were out of the city.


All of these events are damaging to the fire department involved, but the fire service as a whole suffers every time negative events are recorded and make their way into the media. Every fire department in the country is suffering as critics are gaining momentum in their efforts to restructure fireground operations, staffing levels, hours, wages, and benefits. Negative social media coverage only serves to bolster their efforts. Firefighters need to understand that the general public is suffering financially and any initiative that will save tax dollars will receive serious study. The fire service can no longer rest on its laurels, feeling comfortable that the public views its members as selfless devoted heroes. The fire service is now finding itself viewed as simply another public institution that must be funded by tax dollars that the public no longer can provide. Every public agency is competing for the same few public tax dollars. The fire service in no longer sacred.

An old fire chief I know said to me not long ago, “The firemen need to start over; they need to put on a clean uniform, shine their shoes, and help the little old ladies across the street.” His remarks may seem somewhat dated, but his advice was clear and very much on target. Firefighters must completely reinvent themselves as selfless public servants, willing to serve their community, perform competently, and demonstrate respect for themselves and the people they serve every day. Firefighters must be what the public expects them to be. A rebuilding process needs to take place. Social media can be used as a tool toward this goal, not as something to be defended against. Most importantly, all firefighters must realize that they are on the public stage all day every day and their activities will be judged.


托马斯·沃伦(Thomas N. Warren)has more than 40 years experience in the fire service in both career and volunteer departments. He recently retired as assistant chief of department from the Providence (RI) Fire Department after 33 years of service. He holds a bachelor’s degree in fire science from Providence College, an associate degree in business administration from the Community College of Rhode Island, and a certificate in occupational safety and health from Roger Williams University.


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