Hurricane Sandy Could be Historical Storm

Hurricane Sandy, the mammoth storm that has already claimed nearly five dozen lives in the Caribbean, could potentially affect some 60 million people in the Eastern United States, reports CBS News.

The storm will meet with two other powerful winter storm systems, to create an even more threatening hybrid. Sandy is expected to afflict a third of the country with sheets of rain, high winds and heavy snow, say officials who warned millions in coastal areas to get out of the way.

“We’re looking at impact of greater than 50 to 60 million people,” said Louis Uccellini, head of environmental prediction for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Experts said it didn’t matter how strong Sandy is when it hits land: The rare hybrid storm that follows will cause havoc over 800 miles, from the East Coast to the Great Lakes. States of Emergency have been declared from North Carolina up to New England.

It’s expected to make landfall early Tuesday morning around the coast of Delaware, with storm surges from 4 to 8 feet in some areas, meaning evacuations are likely.

Read more of the story here

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