
雷·麦考马克(Ray McCormack)



有一些简单的模仿和复制消防部门的例子。这只是人们今天的运作方式;为了责备责备,他们以借口来帮助传播message. They see something they like or see potential information that will benefit them. They’re using someone else’s sweat equity to their advantage. Boom, there it is on their site. What happens to them? Not much. Does it matter? “It’s spread for the good of the fire service. Don’t shoot the messenger,” they say defensively. The real message is that they need stuff to put out to develop their audience–hurry hurry, copy, tweak, paste.

Glaring examples are out there for those who pay attention and are well-read. It’s not so much that someone might hear an idea and write about it or shoot a video on a topic they like. That’s understandable. It is the ongoing rip-off of OPP (other people’s property) to gain market share that is disturbing.

There is no team of律师围绕提起诉讼跑来跑去。不,消防员以不同的方式解决问题。在大多数情况下,发生的最糟糕的是一些互联网交换,并可能收回。很可能没有发生任何事情,因为您要处理的个性几乎没有羞耻,改变的动力更少,因为变化使他们失业。


Go deep, ask questions of the copy houses and you will find a field of knowledge a mile wide and an inch deep. I admit I don’t know who said that, but if it helps one firefighter, it’s worth it. Right?

更多Ray McCormack

雷·麦考马克(Ray McCormack):消防员的战术安全雷·麦考马克(Ray McCormack)是一名30年的资深人士,是FDNY的中尉。他是Urban的出版商和编辑消防队员杂志。他于2009年在FDIC发表了主题演讲,他是在编辑委员会的188金宝搏是正规吗杂志。
