
格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)

Until the 1970s, the “built-up屋顶” of layers of tarred felt mopped with asphalt, bitumen, or coal tar pitch was the standard membrane used for large-area屋顶平台s。其中一些屋顶使沥青表面暴露出来,而另一些屋顶则用豌豆碎片覆盖,以反射阳光和超紫外线辐射,并减少在炎热天气中吸收的热量。这些屋顶的优势是,经过多年的风化,可以通过添加更多的摩托沥青和毛毡来浮出水面。

In the 1970s, several manufacturers began selling roof “membranes” made of rubber, synthetic rubber, and several types of plastic. These membranes were designed to be installed over insulation board of various types that was mechanically fastened to the屋顶平台with nails or screws or attached to the roof deck with adhesives. The roof membrane was designed to be attached to the insulation board with adhesives or to be mechanically fastened only at the edges or parapet walls and weighed down with large gravel ballast. In this latter case, the insulation board could be unattached to the roof deck.

Common thicknesses of synthetic rubber or plastic roof membranes are 45-60 mils, although some brands are available in 80-120 mils. (A mil is one thousandth of an inch (0.001 inch), or 0.0254 mm.) Thicker material gives more durability and means a longer life for the roof.

The most common types of屋顶平台今天仍使用的膜是:

  • 乙烯丙烯二烯单体(EPDM),一种合成橡胶。它有黑色或白色,最常见的是直接粘附或压载。
  • 合成橡胶的氯硫化聚乙烯(CSPE)。有黑色或白色;它是今天最常安装的直接粘附或压载。
  • 聚氯乙烯(PVC),塑料;有黑色,白色,灰色或其他颜色可供选择。今天最常见的是直接安装。
  • 热塑性聚烯(TPO),塑料;通常有白色可用,直接粘附。


Construction Concerns for Firefighters: Flat Roof Membranes

Photo 1 shows a roof being installed on a school building. Over the steel roof deck (welded to the steel bar joists) are:

  • 两层燃烧的挤出聚苯乙烯绝缘板,每4英寸厚4英寸,在屋顶和彼此之间铺设松动,片片之间的接头偏移了2英尺。
  • 一层EPDM屋顶膜,放在绝缘板上,仅机械连接在屋顶的边缘。EPDM卷之间的接缝与粘合剂重叠,并密封裸露的边缘。
  • 两英寸的大砾石镇流器将屋顶膜和绝缘板固定在适当的位置,并反射阳光和超紫外线。

Construction Concerns for Firefighters: Flat Roof Membranes


  • 钢屋顶甲板,焊接到钢杆托梁。
  • 两层燃烧的挤出聚苯乙烯绝缘板,每4英寸厚4×8英尺,连接到屋顶,彼此固定,互相粘合,板之间的接头偏移了2英尺。
  • 一层EPDM屋顶膜,附着在绝缘板的顶层上,并带有粘合剂。EPDM卷之间的接缝与粘合剂和密封的裸露边缘重叠。
  • EPDM的白色表面反射阳光和紫外线。

These membrane屋顶today have thicker insulation than the built-up roofs of the past. As a result, a gasoline-powered circular saw may not have enough blade depth to cut through the roof membrane, insulation board, and steel deck in one pass. It may be necessary to cut a larger opening through the insulation board and a second smaller opening through the steel roof deck.

The rapidly-rotating saw blade will generate enough heat to soften or melt the plastic insulation and to generate toxic smoke—an excellent reason to use self-contained breathing apparatus while doing this type of work, besides the smoke that will rise from the fire below. Take care not to cut the top members of the bar joists with the saw, as this can result in the failure of that part of the roof.

See the July 2010 “Construction Concerns” article titled“Combustible Metal Deck Roofs”for a discussion of the influence of a fire below on可燃屋顶材料


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Building construction for firefighters: Greg HavelGregory Havel一世S是伯灵顿镇(WI)的成员消防部门;退休的副局长和培训人员;以及30年的老兵消防。He is a Wisconsin-certified消防教练II,消防官II和消防检查员;兼职在structor消防网关的程序技术的College; and安全director for Scherrer Construction Co., Inc. Havel has a bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College; has more than 30 years of experience in facilities management and building construction; and has presented classes at FDIC.

