Train Carrying Crude Oil Derails in Quebec, Causes Explosions

Update 7:45 pm EST:BBC News ( reports that another four bodies have been found, bringing the death-toll to five.

Police are trying to account for dozens of missing people, and there are fears the death toll may rise further.

Original Story:Much of a town in eastern Quebec was destroyed Saturday after a train carrying crude oil derailed, sparking several explosions and forcing the evacuation of up to 1,000 people, reports the Associated Press.

Several people were reported missing but Quebec provincial police Lt. Michel Brunet said it was too early to say if there are any casualties in the town of Lac-Megantic, about 155 miles east of Montreal.

The explosions ignited a fire that sent flames shooting into the sky, and billowing smoke could be seen from several miles away hours after the derailment. Some of the train’s 73 cars exploded and the fire spread to a number of homes in the town of 6,000 people.

Lac-Meganticresident Claude Bedard described the scene of the explosions as “dreadful.”

“It’s terrible,” Bedard said. “We’ve never seen anything like it. The Metro store, Dollarama, everything that was there is gone.”

Read more of the story here

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