Fire Prevention: The Fool and His Match

As we commemorate anotherFire Prevention Week, let’s look back at its history in the pages ofFire and Water Engineering, an early supporter.

“There is little hope that the fool and the match will ever be divorced,” the editor declared in the July 5, 1911, edition (page 1, first column, second paragraph). This led into an account of aboathouse fireignited by a carelessly tossed match. Three people died. Download this find from the188金宝搏是正规吗VaultHEREas a PDF (6.6 MB).

The next item on that page welcomed the proposal of aFire Prevention Dayand recommended distributing anti-fire tracts from house to house to commemorate it. The October 18, 1911, issue recounted thefirst fire prevention day,held in Chicago on October 9, 1911, the 40th anniversary of the Great ChicagoFireof 1871. The event, of course, included Mrs. O’Leary and her cow. Then, as now, “the younger generation” was a key target audience. The editor concluded that it is not enough to equip a fire department to put out fires; it is essential to equip it to “prevent the starting of fires.” Download this articleHERE(PDF, 6.7 MB).


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