
经过David DeStefano

随着更多的出现efficient检测andnotificationas well as generally quickerresponses, 的数量 ”defensive到达时”大火似乎在许多司法管辖区下降。但是,每个公司必须准备立即以与进攻相同的效率以防御模式建立和运作fire attack。This article will discuss theinitial第一引擎公司在防守战斗中的行动。

With manyengine companies人工短暂,提供强烈有效的攻击要求first-in engineemploy tactics that “pack the biggest punch” considering available resources. Thesetacticsrevolve around the basicfunction任何发动机公司:提供waterto the fire scene, apply water to the fire, or acombinationof both.


En route to the场景,一流的发动机官员应意识到他的进路路线和hydrantlocations at and around the reported address. Assuming most “defensive onarrival”开火are visible from at least the beginning of the fireblock,该公司自己建立自己的供应线to immediately establish an uninterrupted water supply on arrival. This option slows arrival time slightly but ensures the company will not run out of坦克在初次攻击的同时进行水。另一个选择,当其他选择时尤其有用unitsare arriving, is for the first-arriving engine to “put itshose在街上”dry线使下一个单元连接到消防栓和流水。这可以通过包裹消防栓或附近来实现效用pole and laying in to the fire scene. Any other unit arriving can then make the connection or another engine company mayhook取决于the hydrant, if necessary. With an uninterrupted water supply, the company officer has numerous tactics immediately at his disposal for defensive fire attack.


一个pproach to the scene must include all the usual尺寸诸如truck companyaccess, radiantheat, andcollapse潜力和开销电线that may become involved and fall on the仪器。一个dditionally, if the打算使用安装式设备的主流设备,考虑到安全问题,必须将钻机定位为最佳优势。了解您的设备安装流的有效范围以及使用的角度是确定其操作有效性的关键。

Many apparatus are equipped with主流可以轻松将固定转换为便携的use. All company members must be well versed in the程序for making the appliance portable. Proper placement and securing this device according to the manufacturer’s instructions is essential to asafeoperation.

一个preconnected2½ inchhandline可能会拉伸,以便对位置进行快速外观攻击limited诸如小巷或庭院之类的可及性。由于大小和重量这条线的不小因素在防御模式下。尽管每分钟和加仑(GPM)的较大覆盖范围的好处是快速“变暗”大火,并且避免倒塌区域或高辐射热量是一项很好的资产人员配备水平,并采用一项计划,将两家公司结合起来,以完成长期或困难的延伸。

Some companies may be equipped with a preconnected blitz line featuring a highly portablenozzleappliance capable of flowing up to 500 gpm. This line is easily deployed with limitedpersonnel并可能进行进攻或防御性火灾攻击。将这种流动速率迅速带到远离固定主流的区域的能力可能是无价之宝,在建筑物后部含有大火或在建筑物后部有效地包含大量火灾。


David DeStefanois a 23-year veteran of the North Providence (RI)消防部门,他在阶梯公司担任中尉。1。他以前曾担任中尉Engine3 and was afirefighterin Ladder 1. He teaches a variety of topics for the Rhode Island Fire Academy. He can be reached

