
格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 220,建筑类型的标准,2012年版,分类建筑物根据以下建筑材料和方法的防火特性:

  • Type I: (fire resistive).
  • II型:(不可燃烧)。
  • III型:(普通,或砖头和托梁)。
  • Type IV: (heavy timber).
  • 类型V:((wood frame).


I,II,III和IV型仍使用类似于始终用于它们的材料和方法构建。但是,这些建筑物中的一些已通过制造的木材,桁架,i-oct和轻巧的连接方法进行了重塑,这导致火灾和火的传播更快structural collapsethan we would expect in buildings of these types. Some newer buildings have been constructed using manufactured lumber products such as laminated timbers, trusses, and I-joists rather than the traditional sawn timbers and joists.

Type V wood frame construction includes structures of balloon-frame, platform-frame, log cabin, post-and-frame, and plank-and-beam and all of their variations that today include manufactured wood materials, trusses, I-joists, andlightweight连接方法。照片1显示了在同一地板系统中使用的木桁架和i-toists,并用多个桁架用作梁。照片2显示了I-Joists用作after的afters,上面有层压板木材(LVL)的山脊板。



Type V also includes such varied construction methods as the following:

  • 镶板结构(照片3) - 墙壁或地板面板在包括螺柱,盘子和护套在内的工厂中进行了预组装,并在工作现场安装并连接。
  • 预制结构- 墙或地板天花板面板完全组装在工厂,包括螺柱,盘子,护套和内部干墙板。
  • Modular construction- 墙,天花板和地板面板组装成房间或多个房间组件factory, and connected to each other at the job site to complete the building.
  • Double-wide structures类似的模块化,除非他们把ted on their own wheels rather than on trucks.

The documentation,视频recordings, and educational materials based on tests by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Underwriters Laboratories Firefighter Safety Research Laboratory show that the failure of wood frame structures using these lightweight materials and methods is significantly earlier than in conventionally constructed wood frame buildings, often when the first fire companies are expected to begin their interior operations.

NFIRS系统中几乎没有关于火灾中涉及的材料和施工方法的硬数据,这些数据已报告到NFPA 220中所述的五种类型之外,以及它们是否受到自动火灾的保护洒水器或烟雾检测和警报系统以及这些系统是否按设计工作。

随着消防服务的公共教育efforts toward providing programs for contractors, architects, engineers, and other building professionals, it will need data on the behavior of fire in remodeled buildings of Types I, II, III, and IV to support its proposals. It will also need additional subcategories of Type V Wood Frame construction to reflect the substitution of adhesives for mechanical fasteners, the types and levels of prefabrication that are used, the methods of connection of the assemblies, and the concealed (void) spaces that are created. These individually and in combination can affect the behavior of fire in these structures. This data is essential to provide for the safety of building occupants and for the safety of the emergencyresponsepersonnel who respond to incidents in them.

The NFIRS system exists for collection fireincident全国数据。需要将几个子类别添加到I节或周围的NFIRS-3表格中,以提供不同建筑材料和方法的建筑物中的火灾数据。一种可能的安排:

A. Construction method:

  1. Balloon framed.
  2. Platform framed.
  3. Log cabin.
  4. 帖子和框架。
  5. Plank andbeam
  6. Structural Insulated Panels (photo 4, right).
  7. 预制:
    • 镶板结构。
    • Pre-fabricated wall and ceiling panels.
    • Modular construction, including double-wide housing.


  1. 旧版材料(锯木材,木材)。
  2. Manufactured wood (plywood, laminated studs/joists, oriented strand lumber, parallel strand lumber, LVL, and so on.).
  3. 木桁架或i-toist(照片1)。
  4. Connection by nails or screws.
  5. 通过表金属连接托梁衣架and stirrups (photo 1).
  6. Connection by adhesives.
  7. Firestopping or draft stopping in concealed spaces.

After a number of years data collection by NFIRS, data analysis will be possible, making it even more possible to educate firefighters, builders, and design professionals in the construction of fire-safe buildings.

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Gregory Havel是伯灵顿镇(WI)消防局的成员;退休的副局长兼培训官;以及一名30年的消防人员资深人士。他是威斯康星州认证的消防教练II,消防官II和消防检查员;Gateway技术学院消防计划的兼职讲师;Scherrer Construction Co. Inc.的安全总监Havel拥有圣诺伯特学院的学士学位;在设施管理和建筑建设方面拥有30多年的经验;并已在FDIC介绍课程。
