





波士顿消防局长约翰·格雷迪(John Gradyrescue尤其是附近马萨诸塞州航海学校培训船的工作人员为“在需要时为该部门提供援助的出色能量和热情。他们的工作应归类为杰出服务。红十字会,神职人员和医生也应该为他们的努力而受到赞扬……这是所有参与此次参与援助的人,因为他们在对自己有极大危险的条件下迅速而聪明地工作。”

埃里克·巴赫曼(Eric Bachman),兰开斯特县(PA)紧急管理机构的危险材料管理员说,任何物质都可能是潜在的危险品in given circumstances, regardless of how official regulations may define them. “Emergency services should regard hazmats as ANYTHING that can harm property, the environment, and people (including us).” In the Boston incident, a seemingly benign material, improperly contained, was subjected to extraordinary stressors and disaster followed. “Contemplate ALL incident potentials, including the proverbial ‘outside-the-box,’ or in this case, ‘outside-the-tank,’ situations. A fire department’s ability to more effectively protect its community and personnel depends on the potential incidents it’s prepared for. Do not discount any incident scenario, as Murphy may pay you a visit when you least expect or are unprepared for it.”

“This is a wake-up call for those who think that they were only hired as firefighters,” Chief Bobby Halton said. We firefighters exist to save lives, whether from fire, flood, explosion, or自然灾害。波士顿(MA)消防部门清楚啊f this in 1919. We should be proud to continue this legacy of rendering aid under all conditions to all who need us.”

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