
格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)

A song written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962 became a hit for Pete Seeger in 1963. *The first verse follows:

Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
Little boxes, little boxes,
Little boxes, all the same.
And they’re all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.



Several fire service authors have suggested becoming familiar with these neighborhoods and model homes. If search and rescue or interior fire attack was needed, there was little possibility of firefighters becoming disoriented because all of the houses on a street had the same layout. A typical layout might be the following:

  • Through the front door is the living room, with the stairway to the second floor on the left and the stairway to the basement stairway below it;
  • 厨房和用餐区直接前进。
  • 浴室位于楼梯顶部的二楼。和
  • bedrooms on either side.


Even though these houses were built cheaply, they were platform-framed using sawn lumber joists and studs. At that time, sawn lumber was likely to be full-dimension unplanned wood. Planed lumber was also available; a 2 × 4 actually measured 1.625 inches × 3.625 inches. Plywood was the only commonly used form of manufactured lumber. This is the “legacy” construction that Underwriters Laboratories and National Institute of Standards and Technology has used in fire comparison tests with several types of lightweight construction methods using manufactured wood materials. Although many of these houses were finished on the inside with gypsum drywall board, some used lath and plaster.

The additions to the original construction and remodeling are likely to have used I-joists, wood trusses, plywood, oriented strand board, sheet metal joist hangers, laminated veneer lumber and 2 × 4 lumber measuring 1½ × 3½ inches.

We can no longer depend on the identical layouts in houses in these neighborhoods as we did in the past; and we can no longer assume the patterns of fire behavior from house to house. A fire in an addition is likely to behave differently that a fire in the original part of the structure; and remodeled areas supported by modern lightweight materials and construction methods are likely to collapse more quickly than the original structure.

Although it is possible that some of these houses are unchanged from the day when they were built, it is more likely that there have been significant changes. Perhaps the stairway to the second floor was moved into an addition, and the stairway opening closed with lightweight construction materials (photo 2).


For their own safety, firefighters responding to one of these homes must assume that it has changed since it was built, and that lightweight construction materials have been substituted somewhere inside.


*版权所有1962 Schroder音乐公司;1990年更新。互联网搜索“山坡上的小盒子”以获取完整的歌词和音乐。

Gregory Havel是伯灵顿镇(WI)消防局的成员;退休的副局长兼培训官;以及一名35年的消防人员资深人士。他是威斯康星州认证的消防教练II,消防官II和消防检查员;Gateway技术学院消防计划的兼职讲师;Scherrer Construction Co. Inc.的安全总监Havel拥有圣诺伯特学院的学士学位;在设施管理和建筑建设方面拥有超过35年的经验;并已在FDIC介绍课程。

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