Traditions Training Drill: Is Your Ladder Box Combat Ready?

By Danny Doyle
Firefighter, Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire
Senior Instructor, Traditions Training LLC.

Thisdrill/review is to reinforce the importance of ground ladder proficiency on the fireground and briefly discuss the pros and cons to ground ladder storage and deployment.

Intimate knowledge of the装置, equipment carried, and how the two will react together both in action on the fireground and over time will increase the firefighter’s proficiency. This in turn increases firefightersafetyand reaction time when rescuing civilians.

You will find some bulleted points outlining the good and the bad. Photos are displayed below the discussion, clearly outlining most of the issues or performance tips.

Download this free firefighter training drill as a PDFHERE(4 MB).

Traditions Training Radio archive: Members of the group discuss company officer expectationsHERE.

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