The Artist Behind Fire Engineering’s 1977 Centennial Covers

1977年的百年百年,188金宝搏是正规吗commissioned New Hampshire artist Mel Bolden to produce四个封面适用于(点击这里对于PDF,4.8 MB)。

According the New Hampshire history Web site,, Melvin Reid Bolden was born in 1919 in Baltimore, Maryland, and was educated at the Philadelphia Museum School of Art. He worked as a freelance illustrator with Norman Rockwell and others in New York beginning in 1945, and was living in New Hampshire by the late 1950s. He illustrated many well-known publications, and was known as the dean of African-American illustrators. He is also known for “Reach for the Stars,” his mural of Christa McAuliffe, the New Hampshire teacher-astronaut who perished in the space shuttleChallenger1986年的灾难。也积极参与社区事务,Bolden是第一个在该州的非洲裔美国县委委员会主席。虽然他于2000年逝世,但艺术家在那些在新罕布什尔郡认识他的人中留下了生动的回忆。

自1984年以来,展位首席Ken Folsom是康科德(NH)消防部门的成员,召开了勇敢的勇敢的停机。“他会停止和聊天职责,并始终在巴尔的摩中讲述他童年的故事;这就是他第一次熟悉消防部门的地方。在他在康科德地区的岁月中,他与一些艺术项目的消防员合作。“Bolden生产了原创绘画在11月30日11月30日(上面看),在Concord摧毁了白色的歌剧院的火灾,使用了几个Concord Firefighters作为模特。(夏洛特Thibault的照片由Charlotte thibault。)销售的绘画印刷品在福尔斯莫斯说,卖注的销售是为了使消防员联盟受益。Fire Engineering’sarticleon the opera house fire is这里(PDF, 1.8 MB).

A retired Concord Fire Department member, Doug Giles, recalled one day in his rookie year, 1976. “My captain instructed everyone to grab their turnout gear and head out to the front of the old station on Warren Street. Waiting there was a gregarious and animated gentleman with a camera and a paper bag filled with cans of shaving cream. We put our coats, helmets, and boots on as instructed and then watched as this gentleman covered each of us with the shaving cream and had us pull fire hoses back and forth in front of the station. I thought at first that this must be a prank for the rookies or perhaps one of those weird fire buffs I’d heard about. Eventually, I found out that neither of these scenarios was correct and that the gentleman was Mel Bolden, and he was working on a series of cover illustrations for a national fire service publication depicting firefighting in the snow.”

Ironically, fire would destroy Bolden’s historic home in Loudon, which had been a station on the Underground Railroad. Sifting through the ruins after the fire, Giles said, “He looked at the things we found with joy and not with sorrow for their loss. Not once did he stand there in despair.” Already, he was sizing up the barn on the property for his new work and living space.

Bolden would stop by theConcord Monitor办公室每周几次,用他平时的问候“是什么是shakin'?”摄影师Ken Williams记得。制作新闻室的回合,他会引用一些新闻故事,抓住了他的注意力或勾选他,谈话正在开启。“他也是一个政治技巧的金矿,”威廉姆斯说。

监视器news artist Charlottte Thibault noted, “Mel possessed the ability to focus all his attention on who he was speaking to so that they felt that they were his very best friend. He knew and was very friendly with the cops and all the firemen, and always knew what was happening before we ever got wind of it at the paper.”

The artist would occasionally use Williams’ family and pets for models. “My sons posed for him in caveman loincloths; I posed as a Roman soldier; and our dog Drummer took center stage on a监视器insert cover with a Revolutionary War theme.”Here, impromptu models pose for an Old West theme painting. (Photo by Ken Williams/Concord Monitor。)

根据thibault,当Bolden是艺术家监视器,did a redesign in the 1970s that was very modern and ahead of the time. A good draftsman and a superb painter, Thibault said, he did a lot of research and thoroughly threw himself into any project he was working on. Using brown paper, he would sketch mostly in charcoal, and work out all his compositions, using local people for models, sketching ideas, and taking photos for reference. Thibault painted this肖像just a few months before Bolden’s death.



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