What Would You Do? Lightweight Wood Building

By John “Skip” Coleman

Skip Coleman will be producing a new monthly series of188金博网网址多少simulationsfor188金宝搏是正规吗.

This fire occurs in a newly constructed lightweight wood building occupied as medical offices. It is platformconstructionwith a full basement (for storage). Exterior walls are brick veneer. The roof is a truss assembly.

The fire occurs at 6:30 am on a Tuesday.

Assume you are responding as the first due unit. (Choose the type–engine,truck, heavy squad, or other–that you normally ride.)

Other units responding are what your department would send on a report of a fire in this occupancy type.

Answer the questions below in the comments section or make your own strategic, tactical, and task level questions to answer. You can download a worksheet to use for yourtrainingHERE(PFD).

If you’re on a mobile device, see the simulation athttp://bcove.me/5fkkl6i4.

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