
格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)GydF4y2Ba



(2) A view of the structure’s B-C corner, after the fire.



The fuel, the ignition资源GydF4y2Ba,结构,周围环境(暴露),可及性和天气状况都有助于使我们回应的结构火事件。GydF4y2Ba


The Structure

  1. What type ofconstructionis it?
  2. What is its age?
  3. Is there evidence of additions, remodeling, or renovations? How long ago did these projects occur?
  4. Are there walls or floor-ceiling assemblies that are rated for fire resistance in hours that subdivide the structure?
  5. 有隐藏空间吗?他们互连吗?GydF4y2Ba
  6. 改建或翻新工程是否将制造的木材和轻质的构造方法引入了一种结构,该结构是通过不同结构的较慢的燃烧和燃烧较慢的材料(照片4)?GydF4y2Ba
  7. Is there insulation in the exterior walls and attic?
  8. If there is insulation, what kind is it, and how will it affect fire behavior?
  9. Is the structure stable at this time?
  10. 在三分钟内仍会保持稳定吗?5分钟?10分钟?GydF4y2Ba
  11. Location of gas andelectricservices?
  12. Are there chimneys? Are they masonry or metal? What supports each chimney?
  13. 该结构的部分不如其余部分稳定吗?GydF4y2Ba
  14. 如果结构的部分燃烧或崩溃,这会影响其余结构的稳定性吗?GydF4y2Ba
  15. Do we have the ability and resources to save this structure so that it can be rebuilt, or will we be able only to preserve enough of the structure for fire investigators to determine the cause, point of origin, and routes of fire spread before the remainder is condemned?


The Fuel

  1. What is burning inside the structure?
  2. 它燃烧了多长时间?GydF4y2Ba
  3. Where did the fire start?
  4. How did the firespreadGydF4y2Ba?GydF4y2Ba
  5. Are the burning items the cellulose-based items common in the era when this house was built or are they likely to be the petroleum-based fabrics and plastics that are in common use today?
  6. 结构本身在燃烧吗?GydF4y2Ba
  7. 它燃烧了多长时间?GydF4y2Ba
  8. 如果结构正在燃烧,则哪些部分变得不那么稳定?GydF4y2Ba
  9. 爆炸对结构的稳定性产生了什么影响?GydF4y2Ba
  10. Was the explosion caused by the fire, or did the explosion cause the fire? Could there be another explosion?
  11. 这种燃料组合的合适灭火剂是什么?GydF4y2Ba


  • The fire is burning and extending rapidly in both occupied and concealed spaces.
  • The structure has been weakened by age, weather, remodeling, and fire.
  • The structure includes manufactured combustible structural components of light weight and low mass.
  • The structure will wait to collapse until the IC has committed firefighters to interior fire攻击GydF4y2Ba和搜索。GydF4y2Ba

The tests conducted and the reports published by Underwriters Laboratories and the National Institute of Standards and Technology over the past several years suggest that, for firefighters’ life safety, we should knock down this fire from the exterior using solid- or straight-streams from our nozzles; perform an evaluation of the structure for stability; and only then commit our firefighters to内部的GydF4y2Bafire extinguishment, search, and overhaul if the structure is stable enough to support these activities.


Although RECEO-VS [Rescue, Exposure protection, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul; with Ventilation and Salvage (implemented as needed)] has guided us well for decades, this can give us an opportunity to work with the new acronym that has been proposed to replace it: SLICE—RS [Size-up, Locate the fire, Isolate the flow path, Cool from a safe distance, Extinguish; with Rescue and Salvage (implemented as needed)].

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Gregory Havel属于伯灵顿镇(WI)火德partment; retired deputy chief and training officer; and a 35-year veteran of the fire service. He is a Wisconsin-certified fire instructor II, fire officer II, and fire inspector; an adjunct instructor in fire service programs at Gateway Technical College; and safety director for Scherrer Construction Co., Inc. Havel has a bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College; has more than 35 years of experience in facilities management and building construction; and has presented classes at FDIC.

