The Loss of Skill

By Ray McCormack

Many in today’s fire service feel that there is resistance to change in regard to extinguishment techniques and other tactics, and they are correct. While resistance is what is felt, the reality is that changes need to be peer-reviewed–not just by a select few, but by departments, as well. Resistance toward change is one thing; resistance to changes is another. However, all of this is a good thing, because changes, especially ones that may go against department policy and灭绝文化, are critically important and typically require measured acquisition.



When a firefighter is instructed to shoot the stream into a window opening for several seconds, the lesson is over. If we are to believe that there is a skill level to this action, then that is your prerogative, but I do not see it. While this tactic can darken down a room for firefighters, there is no experience gain. We have decreed a fire tactic that only lowers skill levels.

Using this tactic as a standard approach to any and all fires is an option departments are choosing and touting as being progressive. While the modern fire environment took at least 30 years to be recognized, it is our new normal. For firefighters to be told over and over that the risks involved with challenging this new fire is something best handled from outside is a slippery slope to when they eventually go inside without the prewashdown.


The thermal imaging camera (TIC) is another example of a tool that is fantastic until the battery dies. Firefighters are always cautioned against searching without a constant landmark while using the TIC. For many, the TIC is just a better flashlight. While the TIC can be much more, it also obviously allows firefighters to move quicker than before and can and has led to the omission of solid search skills.


The reduction of firefighter skill sets–especially physical ones that engage the thinking firefighter–is on an upswing. If you keep firefighters outside a building while you look for a window to shoot water into, but then preach that your department will do it differently when their is no window, you must ask who has prepared your people. Because you probably have not. Over-reliance upon tools and tactics that reduce a firefighter’s ability to be afirefightereven in the modern fire environment is a steep price to pay for avoidance.

Keep Fire in Your Life

Ray McCormackRAY McCORMACKis a 30-year veteran and a lieutenant with FDNY. He is the publisher and editor of UrbanFirefighter杂志. He delivered the keynote address at FDIC in 2009 and he is on the Editorial Board of188金宝搏是正规吗杂志. For more on UrbanFirefighter, visit//

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