UL FSRI Launches Residential Attic and Exterior Fire Hazards Online Training Program

Fire Dynamics: A screenshot from the new UL Residential Attic and Exterior Fire Hazards online course

UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) announces the release of “Residential Attic and Exterior Fire Hazards” – an online course that serves as a culmination of the small scale, full-scale, and field experiments performed by UL as part of a research study funded by the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The purpose of this study is to increase firefighter safety and effectiveness by providing the fire service with scientific knowledge on thedynamicsof attic and exterior fires and the influence of coordinated fire mitigation tactics from full-scale fire testing in realistic residential structures.


The interactivetrainingtakes learners through all of the details that went into the experiments, experiment results, and tactical considerations derived from the results. Experiments included 28 wall tests, 3 wall and eave tests, 4 full scale attic tests, and 3 field experiments. Field experiments were conducted in three acquired structures located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fires in these 1 ½ and 2 ½ story residential houses provided a real world application of theories and tactics.

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“This training program brings science to the streets by providing a dozen tactical considerations to the fire service,” said UL FSRI Director Steve Kerber. “Through the use of video, data, and 3D drawings of the structures, firefighters are given information that directly relates to the fireground. For the scientifically inclined, there are also links to the detailed report as well as the data graphs and full experiment video.”

由消防服务技术面板和视频和交互功能支持的战术考虑因素包括:在外墙中增加塑料的使用将改变您到达的情况;如果火灾从外面开始,开始将其从外面战斗;学会预测外部火灾将迁移到内饰;阁楼火灾通常是通风有限的火灾;紧密时间或限制垂直通风,直到水在阁楼;塑料脊通风口可以影响大小和消防动力学;润湿护套,屋檐攻击放缓阁楼火灾成长;阁楼施工影响软管流渗透;考虑流向而不是使用主流;膝盖墙消防动力学; apply water on a knee wall fire at the source and toward the direction of spread before committing to the attic; and Interior operations on knee wall fires.


For mobile users, the course is compatible with tablet devices and iPad via the Articulate Media Player application in the App Store.


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