
格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)


Today, radiant floor heating panels are often installed on the floors of wood框架buildings and are supported by lightweight construction methods: oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood supported by parallel-chord wood trusses or I-joists.

Photo 1 shows polystyrene insulating board that is formed to hold the PEX tubing in place. Thismethod当辐射地板面板是混凝土板一级的一部分时,通常会使用。当辐射面板是未加热的爬网空间或车库上方的地板的一部分时,也可以使用它。

(1) Photos by author.



照片3显示了正在建造的二楼辐射面板。该规范要求将乳胶蒸气屏障与油漆滚筒一起涂在胶合板地板的顶部。然后将两个X 4纵梁粘在地板上,因为该楼层将用舌和槽硬木木板完成。Plasticchannels were then screwed to the plywood between and around the stringers to hold the PEX tubing in place.




Photo 5 shows the underside of the same radiant floor panel. Note that thisplywood地板得到I-toists的支持。


These I-joists are doubled in this building to支持The additional dead load imposed by the radiant floor heating panel. Following are specs:

  • PEX tubing embedded in lightweight concrete with wood stringers: seven to 10 pounds per square foot (34.17-48.82 kg/m3).
  • 硬木地板板:每平方英尺4磅(19.53 kg/m3).


  • Carpet and padding: one pound per square foot (4.88 kg/m3).
  • Ceramic或者Thin terrazzo: two to 10 pounds per square foot (9.76-48.82 kg/m3),取决于瓷砖或水磨石及其泥土的厚度。


This phenomenon is not new. For decades, the collapse of wood-supported concrete, tile, and terrazzo floors in century old buildings has been the subject of discussions by authors of magazine articles and books, including the following:

  • Vincent Dunn’s燃烧建筑物的崩溃,PGS。86-88(1988)和2nd版本(ISBN-10:1-59370-233-7)。
  • 弗朗西斯·布兰尼根(Francis Brannigan)的3edition of消防服务的建筑,第152和336页(1992)。
  • IFSTA’s与消防服务相关的建筑建筑2nd版本,第99和101页(1999)。
  • 弗朗西斯·布兰尼根(Francis Brannigan)的4Thedition of消防服务的建筑,第171和231页(2008)。
  • John Norman’s消防官的战术手册,4Thedition, pages 425-428 (2012) ISBN: 978-1-5937-0279-3.
  • 弗朗西斯·布兰尼根(Francis Brannigan)的5Thedition of消防服务的建筑,pages 342-343 (2015) ISBN: 978-1-4496-8894-3.

Although today’s radiant floor heating panel is thinner and lighter than the floors discussed by these authors, the joists that support them are of lightweight construction materials and methods that also have less mass and burn through faster than the sawn lumber joists and subfloors of the past. The end result of a fire below one of these floors is the same.

Based on the more recent history of firefighter fatality and injury because of the collapse of these radiant floor heating panels, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that we do the following:

  • 与我们进行商业建筑相同的大型房屋,因为它们的尺寸相同或更大,使用相同的材​​料和施工方法,并将消防员暴露于相同的危险中。
  • Use TICs during size-up and search.
  • 训练以识别轻质材料和施工方法的建筑物。
  • 训练在大火上工作的风险和危害。
  • 在我们的预计划中记下笔记。如果桁架或I-咖啡师支持辐射地板加热面板,则不要在火上奔波,因为桁架和I-咖啡师在火中迅速失败,辐射地板加热面板的重量以及听起来这些地板的虚假读数。



One of the reports by NIOSH discusses an incident in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in 2006 in which a company officer died in the line of duty and a paramedic firefighter was seriously injured and disabled when a radiant floor heating panel supported by lightweight construction collapsed under them while they performed a primary search, dropping them into a fully-involved basement. Read this report athttp://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/reports/face200626.html或者http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/pdfs/face200626.pdf.


Gregory Havel属于伯灵顿镇(WI)火德partment; retired deputy chief and training officer; and a 35-year veteran of the fire service. He is a Wisconsin-certified fire instructor II, fire officer II, and fire inspector; an adjunct instructor in fire service programs at Gateway Technical College; and safety director for Scherrer Construction Co., Inc. Havel has a bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College; has more than 35 years of experience in facilities management and building construction; and has presented classes at FDIC.

