Throw Back to Basics: Ground Ladder Markings

Firefighter training: Ground ladder markings

By Brian Zaitz

地面梯子是火场上最少的资源之一。许多消防员只在他们的招募培训期间与他们一起练习。地面梯子放置和使用地面梯子是每个火场的关键组成部分 - 是的,我说了每个火山。因此,地面梯子必须是钻头edon and pulled from the装置frequently to ensure comfort and efficiency in their operation. This bulletin focuses on ladder markings and the halyard as ways to improve efficiency prior to the alarm.

Ensure your ladders lengths are marked, both on the side and the butt of the ladder. It is important that you grab the correct length ladder for the job. Markings on multiple sides facilitate easy viewing from a variety of storage positions, in the truck, on the side, or hydraulic ladder rack. Although knowing the length is important, more critical is knowing the limitations of those lengths relative to your buildings.

Mark the balance point–not the center, but the balance point. Marking the balance point in a bright color allows for the single firefighter to quickly grab the ladder and have balance so he or she can easily move it about the fireground. In short-staffed situations, we often find ourselves moving and throwing ladders with a singlefirefighter。标记这个平衡点的简单动作将大大提高地面梯子操作的有效性。

For extension ladders, be sure to tie the halyard to the bed section. When time is critical–as is the case of a ladder rescue of a victim or a firefighter–the act of untying the halyard and raising it can be the difference.

These measures are about improving the efficient operation and reducing unnecessary actions on the fireground so as to improve our overall effectiveness. Ground ladders are critical tool; get them off the rig, practice with, them and ensure they are marked for use on the fireground!

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布莱恩·扎伊茨(Brian Zaitz)是一名14年的消防员学生,目前被分配为船长/训练officer with the Metro West (MO) Fire Protection District. Brian is an instructor with Engine House Training, LLC as well as instructor at the St. Louis County Fire Academy. Brian holds several degrees, including an associates in paramedic technology, a bachelors in fire science management, and a masters in human resource development. Brian is currently and accredited chief training officer and student of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program.



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