
By Brian Zaitz

Roadways are a common operational location for the fire service. Whether it is at a vehicle accident on an interstate, an emergency medical services call in a commercial district, or a residential fire along a neighborhood road, we often find ourselves operating in or near roadways on almost every alarm.




Highway Incident Safety: The Hits Keep Coming!

“D” Drivers and Other Hazards at Highway Operations


The first thing to consider is apparatus placement. We often review and drill on leaving room for the ladder in front of the building or placing the second truck on the C-side, but how often do you review apparatus placement to block a roadway for an accident or the use of cones for scene and traffic safety?

When possible, block the lane or lanes of the accident as well as one additional lane. This provides room for the crews to stage equipment such as rescue tools and stretchers as well as the workspace around the scene. While we are focused on the scene, we must also focus on the traffic. Although many feel this is a police matter (and, to a certain extent, it is), we must be able to function independently in their absence and assist when needed.

In addition, using cones provides early awareness and direction to traffic to merge lanes. When cones are not available or to augment the use of cones, stage staff vehicles “upstream”; this will also provide early awareness and slow traffic as it approaches the scene.




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布莱恩扎伊茨布莱恩扎伊茨是一个14年的消防服务学生,目前被分配为船长/训练officer with the Metro West (MO) Fire Protection District. Brian is an instructor with Engine House Training, LLC as well as instructor at the St. Louis County Fire Academy. Brian holds several degrees, including an associates in paramedic technology, a bachelors in fire science management, and a masters in human resource development. Brian is currently and accredited chief training officer and student of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program.


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