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乔丹·庞德(Jordan Ponder)

Interspiro Spiromatic S8

令人惊奇的阿布t how the fire service has grown. With innovative equipment like the螺旋形S8及其独特的能力,我们真正处于保护的黄金时代消防员。但是,我们正在经历的创新的好处并不容易。

想象一下自我呼吸器(SCBA)之前的几年。在没有压缩空气的情况下进行积极的内部攻击和救援行动将使您暴露于升高的热量,致癌物和窒息风险增加。让我惊讶地看着我的历史照片training学院,查看所有胡须和胡须,并认为这将作为其过滤器运行。“抑制您的胡须孩子!我们要救援!”这是多年的消防!188金博网网址多少快进到1945年,当时SCBA被介绍给消防服务。它提供了改进的性能,肺部保护和扩展188金博网网址多少操作。引入时,消防部门必须欣喜若狂,对吗?错误的!根据NFPA的罗伯·埃文斯(Rob Evans)和他的文章“ SCBA的50年:呼吸机构的创新,最重要的消防服务”,“这是一件繁琐的……说服消防服务”,SCBA在消防中占有一席之地。188金博网网址多少考虑到今天的SCBA命令率有多,这令人震惊。直到多年晚期,由于NFPA 1981年,事情开始更快地移动,我们才以今天的方式理解和使用SCBA。

Ironically, change happens very slowly in the fire service. Firefighters crave predictability, sustainability, and familiarity. However, innovation is about maturing the norm with enhanced approaches. This was the case with SCBA many years ago, when the idea of wearing SCBA met resistance because they weren’t “the norm.” That resistance was overcome by those who persevered to educate and train others about the benefits of this innovation.

Jordan Ponder performing firefighting exercises


Jordan Ponder performing firefighter physical fitness training

Over the last 13 years, it has been my honor to help my fire department improve its health and wellness. As a full time firefighter, I have had the privilege in assisting my department reduce its firefighter injury claims by 57 percent, saving the city of Milwaukee $1.3 million in injury-associated costs. It has been my pleasure to be a part of the many innovators in our department who have help achieved these results. I’d love to share the principles and approaches I’ve used within the fire service by training others on how to perform, implement and sustain aFirefighter Specific Movement Based Training与计划一起188金博网网址多少消防动态性能训练。了解如何使负担得起的通用设备以转移到火场的方式复制消防需求。188金博网网址多少成为适合消防员需求的培训的创新者!给我发电子邮件jponder@fd-pt.comwith any questions you may have or for more details on how to develop a program for your department.

Jordan PonderJordan Ponder is a Captain of the Milwaukee Fire Department assigned to Engine 30. Additionally, he is the Lead Peer Fitness Trainer for the MFD where he has been training firefighter health for over 12 years. Holding NASM-CPT, ACE, PFT and multiple of modality certifications, he is also a professional bodybuilder with the WNBF. Jordan is also the Director of Firefighter Dynamic Performance Training which supplies free safety training equipment for fire departments for conducting workshops for their members. To contact Jordan Ponder,

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