Two Firefighters Injured Battling Bayonne (NJ) Fire



罗恩·杰弗斯(Ron Jeffers)的故事和照片

两个巴约内(新泽西州)消防员were injured and rushed to the hospital after a portion of an upper wall, at the cockloft area, suddenly fell to the ground. The debris struck them while they were operating in the rear of a rapidly spreading fire in a mixed occupancy building at Avenue C and West 20Th街,2016年6月18日。

警报在凌晨1:13发出后,到达的单位发现火焰在西部的Bayonne Giant Laundromat的后方升起Th街道。C.大道上的业务前线在附属的两层木框和三层楼的木框混合占用结构之间延伸了后壁,在两层楼的建筑物后面有一个小的一层楼。

Chief of Department Keith Weaver told the media that it is believed the fire started in a trash area in back of the laundromat and spread up walls to the top-floor and cockloft area. The quick-moving flames affected structures using the addresses of 455, 457 and 459 Avenue C.

Firefighters began a suppression attack as well as removing occupants from the apartments above the business. They “opened up” walls and ceilings and aerial units were ordered to access the roof area. A second alarm was transmitted by Battalion Chief Steve Peterson. As the intensity of the fire grew, a third alarm was ordered, bringing two引擎, 一个truck,以及从泽西市到现场的营负责人。后来,从北哈德逊地区F.D.重新列入城市的公司数量相同。作为第四次警报,被重新定向到大火。这些公司都上班了,其中包括供水和进入大街C侧地址前线,以打开墙壁和天花板,以切断大火的蔓延。


当火焰上升到屋顶上方时,梯子3在大街和20号大道的交汇处使用了梯形管Th街道。Tower 1 set up on Avenue C, with Tower 5 on West 20Th街道。泽西城梯子11的空中梯子在C大道上用于出口。后来,击中了第五名警报,再加上其他单位的特殊呼吁。来自Hoboken和Kearny的消防公司向现场报告。下班的城市消防员向现场报告了备用仪器

在后部操作时,上墙的一部分突然落在地面上,撞到了两名城市消防员。其他成员和EMT急于向他们的援助,将他们从碎片中清除。他们被带到救护车,并赶往泽西城医疗中心接受治疗。在这个繁忙的星期五夜间 - 周六早晨,急诊室还忙于治疗三名少年枪伤。

The firefighters were treated for nonlife-threatening injuries. One member suffered a bruised chest, plus back and leg injuries. He was later released from the hospital. The other firefighter’s injuries included a broken ankle and knee, plus rib, spine, elbow, and facial injuries, officials said. He was listed in stable condition.








