Avoiding the ‘Fog’ of the Fireground

By Joseph Pronesti

1988年12月31日,在伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,谈论最多的人之一是在士兵菲尔德(Sorner Field)(非常靠近密歇根湖)举行的国家橄榄球联盟季后赛。由主教练迈克·迪特卡(Mike Ditka)领导的芝加哥熊队(Mike Ditka)担任费城老鹰队和主教练好友瑞安(Buddy Ryan)。


在一部有关比赛的纪录片中,费城四分卫兰德尔·坎宁安(Randall Cunningham)接受了采访,并描述了他在比赛后期的关键时刻进行的拦截。坎宁安(Cunningham)强调说:“条件导致他们失去对自己的命运的控制,而且比赛的进展如此之快,好像有跑步时钟。”

Cunningham’s quote can be changed slightly and applied to anyone who has ever stepped foot and operated in any position on the fireground. This can also be applied to me many times over the course of my nearly three decades in the fire service. There was one particular event that took place several years ago where I was trapped by “fog,” and I nearly severely injured two of my firefighters on a scene I was commanding. The conditions that morning were the fog, a lack of a 360° size-up, and the failure to review the survivability profile of a victim inside a large single-family residence with hoarder conditions. How many times have we arrived to a normal fire event (sunny skies) and then a fog appears, trapping us and changing our game plan?



Common Error #1: Failure to Select a Proper Size Line Gallons Per Minute (GPM)

我们起床,每莫(希望)刷牙rning; it’s a habitual process. When we are faced with the most “common” event—the room-and-contents fire—we pull our 150- to 200-foot crosslay, straighten it out like we trained on, and put the fire out. But, what if we arrive and find two rooms of fire? Or two floors of fire? Better yet, what if, when arriving at a well-involved commercial occupancy, we do not think of the deck gun (another common mistake).


“您可能会考虑按照您的方式接近使用甲板枪的使用。一群人需要“了解演习”,每个人都在操作的各个方面都是专家,而不仅仅是他们目前负责的专家。每个作品都必须执行,才能取得成功。No one—I hope—would pull up on a fire with a report of persons trapped and say, ‘Hey, let’s try that search enter vent thing we read about last month.’ Same goes for a deck gun operation as part of initiating an offensive attack. You best have your stuff together if you are going to try to pull it off successfully.”

By now, most firefighters and fire departments talk about and deal with what has now been termed “the modern fire environment”—plastics, modern furnishings, and so on; it has heat release rates that dwarf those of our grandparents’ furnishings. Today, departments are arriving at well-developed rooms and floors must know the building construction because, as we all know, CONSTRUCTION DRIVES TACTICS!

有关的:卡斯特罗人平静的混乱Humpday Hangout: Fireground Command and ControlFireground命令决定的Bouwsema

我们的运营时间很短。快水是迄今为止最好的水。通过培训,无论建筑类型如何,这种策略都是验证的获胜者。188金宝搏是正规吗((FE)作家兼FDIC国际主持人杰里·纳普(Jerry Knapp)在2015年10月的《 2015年10月》中发表了一篇非常有见地的文章,标题为“现代房屋射击了“认证战术敏捷”。Knapp emphasizes that firefighters need to be tactically proficient and have tactical agility which means (to paraphrase Knapp’s article) making sure our fireground actions—size-up, search, rescue, ventilation, fire suppression, and salvage/overhaul—can safely, efficiently, and effectively defeat the new threats at house fires. The one tool that may be the most underused (and perhaps the most misunderstood) regarding its ability to improve conditions quickly is the deck gun.

几个部门以五重型设备到达现场,他们没有将这种设备放置在服务中的奢侈品,因此这可以增加正确的线路放置和水流问题。2½英寸的霍斯线仅被许多人视为防御线。A lack of fire-behavior training and the perception that the 2½-inch hoseline is too difficult to advance and flow can, in today’s social media world, be challenged by doing a quick Web search for the many training videos and articles related its advancement and flow. We need to work on the application of this on the street, as many will become get lost in the fog and stretch what feels good.


It’s all about getting water on the fire. The problem is that, if we require an adequate water flow, we see time and time again the fog enveloping crews as they pull the wrong size line or multiple size small lines when a bigger line or master stream can produce a faster and more effective knockdown. We do what feels best, but on the fireground, the lack of “big water” has led to many burned lots.

Figure 1 shows a mid-size commercial building with its dimensions (taken from the local tax collection site). The video below it shows a fire in that same building.

Figure 1. Well-Involved Mid-Sized Commercial Building

I have no knowledge of the specifics of this fire, but it is a great learning tool to emphasize getting enough water on the fire based on the building’s or compartment’s size.

Be Ready for the “Big One”


The Deck Gun: The Forgotten Option, Part 2

The Deck Gun: The Forgotten Option, Part 1

Joe PronestiJOSEPH PRONESTI是Elyria(OH)消防局的26年资深人士,他是助理局长和轮班司令。他是俄亥俄州消防局执行官计划的毕业生,也是Cuyahoga(OH)县社区大学消防学院的首席讲师。188博金宝体育1他是消防服务出版物和网站的贡献者,包括188金宝搏是正规吗. He will be presenting a four-hour preconference classroom atFDICInternational 2016 titled “Main Street Tactics and Strategies: Are You Ready?”He can be reached atefdcaptain33@gmail.com

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