Lost in the ‘Fog’ of the Fireground, Part 6: Firefighter LODDs in Gloucester City (NJ) Fire

Gloucester City (NJ) firefighter line-of-duty death report image

By Joe Pronesti

As we celebrate our country’s independence with family and fireworks this month, I would also like for all of you to remember and honor the sacrifice of三年前失去生命的三名新泽西消防队员in the early hours of July 4th, 2002.

在0135时,格洛斯特城(NJ)消防部门(GCFD)在第一台GCFD单位到达之前,在200-202 N.百老汇的双工中回应了住宅结构火灾,由当地警察报告有多个居民的场景,包括三个儿童,被困在单元200的二楼。单位200的前方和一侧涉及地板,严重威胁到202百老汇工作人员内部条件在200年迅速恶化,迫使他们从撤退结构。船员于200岁开始了防守攻击,内部运营持续到202年。后续报告说明,在0157时,202年的室内机组人员注意到上升到下来并感受到地板送道。在0159小时(初始调度后24分钟),在疏散结构的同时,消防员位于单元202的一楼的一层上的女性受害者,并将其拉出后门。此受害者后来被确定为三名已故的儿童的母亲。

该建筑在0206小时折叠,送货后31分钟。众多消防员受伤并从崩溃中拉动。为费城(PA)火灾的救援公司提供了一个特别的电话;发出多个警报;而且,最终是詹姆斯·西尔维斯特山(NJ)的副主席约翰(NJ)消防部门以及托马斯G. Stewart III的GCFD-谁刚刚从梯子卡车火灾前提出的Fiancée小时-被杀了。

After action and NIOSH reports noted multiple findings when they released their investigations in 2003. One point, however, I would like to focus on during this anniversary and that is the impact of water streams on a building on fire. When we are in the middle of a firefight, we focus our concentration on knocking down fire, sometimes blitzing the fire to then go interior after. It can be all too easy to forget the extra weight all that water add to the structure, and firefighters may be surprised by a sudden collapse.

When we continuously battle the bread-and-butter room-and-contents fires day in and day out, we tend to forget about the impact of our streams when we have to apply a large amount of water. Sometimes when we soften the target, we allow the enemy can do an end around. An old firefighting signal of water running out of the building merit look at today and should be the focus of a commander or safety officer after a defensive knock on the fire has been completed and interior operations are being contemplated.



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NIOSH Report:http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/fire/reports/face200232.html.


Joe PronestiJOSEPH PRONESTIis a 26-year veteran of the Elyria (OH) Fire Department, where he is an assistant chief and shift commander. He is a graduate of the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Executive Officer program and a lead instructor at the Cuyahoga (OH) County Community College Fire Academy. He is a contributor to fire service publications and sites, including188金宝搏是正规吗。他可以达到efdcaptain33@gmail.com.



Part 2: Communications on the Fireground

Part 3: The 360° Failure

Part 4: Lack of Command Level Mayday Preparation

Part 5: The Fireground Clock

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