
大卫·凯恩(David Cain)

在我的first article,我提出了一个令人信服的癌症与消防关系的案例。188金博网网址多少消防员工作的有毒环境是众所周知的,但事实仍然是,我们可以做更多的事情来拯救自己免于这种祸害。

It begins with leadership. The days of wearing dirty gear and blackened helmets are gone. Hoods, helmets, gloves, air packs, and bunker gear need to be cleaned and inspected after every exposure. We cannot forget all the other items that have been exposed including anything and everything that has been in the path of the “toxic snake”; this includes equipment, ladder, hoses, and our apparatus. The list would not be complete if we forget the firefighters. Keeping our bodies clean with a hot/cold shower is part of this protocol.



The needs assessment should begin by reading National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1500,Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program,和NFPA 1851,标准的选择、保健、公关和维护otective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting.


Let’s look at NFPA 1851 first. This document is very straightforward: routine cleaning and inspection procedures are required of ALL RESPONDERS AFTER EVERY SOILING/USE. Strong words for sure. This document is too long to cover in this article, but I highly recommend that your department print it and teach it to all firefighters and staff.

NFPA 1851的一些要点包括常规清洁,高级清洁以及每次使用后的专门清洁和检查;这包括弄脏,污染,物理损害和热损伤。记录保存在1851年之下也至关重要;该标准使用“应”一词作为记录保存的一部分。以下是“应”的一部分:

  • 该人发出了设备。
  • Date and condition when equipment is issued.
  • 制造商和型号名称或设计。
  • 制造商ID号,批号或序列号。
  • Dates of and findings of advanced inspections by organization.
  • 组织的高级清洁或净化日期。
  • 通过组织进行预先清洁或去污的原因。
  • Date of repairs, who performed repairs, and brief description of any repair.
  • 退休日期。
  • 处置日期和方法。




大卫·凯恩(David Cain)是Boulder(CO)消防局的副局长(Ret。),他在那里服务了34年。他担任Pstrax.com的顾问,Pstrax.com是一项技术服务,可帮助全国各地的消防部门自动化其设备,设备和库存检查。
