
由Clay Magee

相片by author except where indicated


来自哈利根的ins和外出:Part II: There Are Many Halligans But This One Is Mine|Part III: How It Works

Claw tool

(1) Claw tool. Courtesy of Rise Above Fire Training, LLC.

1916年,休·哈利根(Hugh Halligan)被任命为纽约消防局(FDNY),直到1959年任职。43年来,哈利根(Halligan)酋长一直致力于消防部门,曾在该部门的所有局中服役,并已上升至代理长官。加入消防部门几年后,FDNY采用了其第一个现代撬杆,即爪工具(照片1)。爪工具很重,难以使用,并且由于焦点醒目的表面而难以打击。它的一端有爪子,另一端有叉子。随着FDNY历史上的故事,银行抢劫犯将银行纵火射击以掩盖他们的曲目。在大修期间,消防员发现了爪工具。消防员对它的设计很感兴趣,并且可以用来闯入银行,然后将复制品开始生产,直到它被采用了FDNY的强制性进入工具为止。


(2) Kelly tool. Courtesy of Rise Above Fire Training, LLC.

几年过去了,事情发生了变化,因为它们always do in the fire service. Captain John Kelly of Ladder 163 produced what was called the Kelly tool (photo 2). The Kelly tool was shorter, around 24 inches, and made of welded steel. The tool was still very heavy. The Kelly tool got rid of the claw and off-centered striking surface, replacing the claw with the adz. This placed the striking point in line with the shaft of the tool. The forks end was also replaced with a chisel end. This tool became a go-to for forcible entry, however, many firemen still preferred the claw tool for some specific advantages it had over the Kelly tool. Often both tools would be carried. We even have a version still floating around at my department called the Callahan tool. Many of our old heads still refer to the halligan as a Callahan.

休·哈利根(Hugh Halligan)

(3)休·哈利根(Hugh Halligan),188金宝搏是正规吗

进入酋长哈利根。哈利根酋长认为他可以改善这两种工具。哈利根(Halligan)发明前几年,哈利根(Halligan)占地酒窖大火,在那里他注意到爪工具的许多明显缺点。他非常相信需要一种新工具,以至于他当时与FDNY专员约翰·麦克利戈特(John J. McElligott)联系。麦克利戈特专员命令酋长哈利根(Halligan)开始为该部门开展新的工作。酋长哈利根(Halligan)对消防巡逻队当时使用的工具印象深刻,该工具当时使用了直线行驶和“扫爪”。该工具的缺点是它是焊接的,并且重量很大。哈利根酋长想要一些轻巧且容易处理的东西,但这仍然很强大,不会在战斗中破裂。酋长花了几个小时研究和使用反复试验来提出完美的工具。1948年,Halligan工具出生(照片3)。 Chief Halligan stated that the original tools took 18 hours to make. The original tools had to be heated slowly, which several times led to some of the tools breaking under heavy usage. Chief Halligan refused to cast the tools knowing that they still would be susceptible to breaking when needed most. Chief Halligan decided on a drop-forged tool from one piece of No. 4140 (high carbon content) steel.

有关的:The Halligan: ‘The Maximum in Utility, Efficiency, and Speed’|升级Halligan酒吧的屋顶戒指|交易技巧:哈利根酒吧的另一种用途

The halligan was placed on the market and was an instant success. By 1950, the Boston Fire Department had placed a halligan on every truck company in the city. Folklore has it that the FDNY would not buy the tools from Chief Halligan, as they thought it was a conflict of interest and that no firefighter should be making money off of the department. Chief Halligan patented his design to make sure to protect it. He would sell his bars to individual firefighters or companies but not the city of New York. The halligan caught on, however, and companies across the city purchased the tools.

Original halligan forks

(4)原始的Halligan Forks。由Scott Gamche提供。

我个人最喜欢的哈利根(Halligan)的民俗故事之一涉及叉子上的邮票。后来的Halligan版本在叉子的一侧具有AM+DG(照片4)。哈利根酋长是一个非常虔诚的人,据信它代表Ad Majorem dei Gloriam, Latin “for the greater glory of God.” It is said that Chief Halligan would hand make a rosary for each new member coming into the FDNY but that the task became too overwhelming. During my research for this article, I stumbled upon a comments section on hookandirons.com. On their Web site, they had related this same story. A woman named Virginia Rogers, who states that she is Chief Halliga’ns granddaughter, commented that AM+DG does indeed stand forAd Majorem dei Gloriam

Three-piece halligan








Enter William McLaughlin. Have you heard of the K-Tool? Yeah, McLaughlin invented that too. The K-Tool was invented in 1972 and in 1975, McLaughlin invented the Pro-Bar (photo 7). McLaughlin and his cousin, Bob Farrell, an FDNY captain, wanted a tool with long, slender forks and a slightly longer adz than the original halligan. They also wanted an adz with a slight curve to it, unlike the pinned three-piece halligans that were on the market. They went through trial and error and, luckily for them, Bob was the captain of Ladder 31 in the Bronx. Their designs got plenty of use.


(8)Pro-Bar Forks,标记为K-Tool Co.

麦克劳克林(McLaughlin)已经获得了专利,并且已经拥有一家公司,因为他过去几年一直在制作K-Tool。最初的专业车是由K-Tool Company制造的。这就是为什么直到今天,叉子都被K-Tool Co盖上了(照片8)。现在,当麦克劳克林(McLaughlin)和法雷尔(Farrell)准备带着新的酒吧上市时,他们去了哈利根(Halligan)首席,以保留“哈利根(Halligan)”的想法。尽管哈利根(Halligan)的专利长期以来一直被淘汰,但可以无限期地将名字标记或更新。麦克劳克林(McLaughlin)和法雷尔(Farrell)告诉酋长哈利根(Halligan),他们如何改善他的工具以及如何保持名字。他们提出要向他支付永久皇室费用,并在他去世后继续付给家人,因为家庭拥有“ Halligan工具”的名称。哈利根酋长认为这一切都很棒,但他有一个问题:他们要卖给FDNY吗?麦克劳克林(McLaughlin)和法雷尔(Farrell)表示,如果该部门拥有的话,他们计划向自己的部门出售。对于哈利根首席来说,这是一个破坏交易的人,他从未给他们使用这个名字。

法雷尔上尉在工作中受伤并退休。他于1980年创立了公司的Fire Hocks无限。麦克劳克林(McLaughlin)将Pro-Bar和K-Tool许可给Farrell和Fire Hocks Unlimited,该公司今天继续制造两者。在Halligan的设计和质量方面,专业棒是标准的标准,是FDNY和全国各地发行的强制入境工具。

花了数小时来搜索本文的材料。我要感谢皇家橡树(MI)消防局的肖恩·威尔逊(Sean Wilson)和超越火灾训练有限责任公司for his help filling in all the gaps.

克莱·马吉(Clay Magee)克莱·马吉(Clay Magee)是一名教练魔术城卡车学院以及伯明翰(AL)消防和救援和切尔西消防和救援的消防员/护理人员。目前,他被分配在伯明翰营救20。克莱(Clay)于2004年在密西西比州立大学就读时在东俄克斯坦(East Oktibbeha)消防局开始了他的职业生涯。自2013年以来,他就一直在伯明翰大火。他热衷于强行进入和高层行动。188金宝搏合法他拥有密西西比州立大学的工商管理学士学位,哥伦比亚南部大学的消防科学副学士学位以及阿拉巴马州消防学院的多项认证。

