建设问题:IBC 2021重木材Proposal

格雷格·哈维尔(Greg Havel)

温哥华(BC)消防局的詹姆斯·约翰逊(James Johnson)的照片

The present edition of the International Building Code (IBC) limits heavy timber buildings to 85 feet in height. The tallest mass-timber building in the western hemisphere is the Brock Commons residence hall at the University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Had the Brock Commons at 190 feet in height been subject to the current IBC, it could not have been built. Photo 1 shows part of one floor of the Brock Commons, with some mass timber surfaces protected by gypsum drywall board.

For more than two years before submitting proposals, the International Code Council’s (ICC) committee on tall wood buildings has studied mass timber construction, including both engineering studies and fire performance tests. The committee seems confident that the fire and life safety performance concerns have been addressed in the proposals.

Brock Commons interior






The ICC committee proposes three new sub-types of Type IV (heavy timber) in the 2021 edition of the IBC. Each has different height limits based on the occupancy classification and design criteria. The structural elements are composed of solid, panelized, engineered, built-up wood products such as cross-laminated timber (photo 2), glulams (photo 3), and similar products. None of the new types permit the use of lightweight construction materials like wooden I-joists or wooden trusses.

  • IV-A型住宅和办公楼将拥有三个小时级的木结构组件,完全包含在石膏干墙板上,没有裸露的木材结构表面。它的最大高度为18层,相当于270英尺。
  • IV-B型住宅和办公楼将具有两个小时的木制结构组件,主要是木材的结构组件,但并非完全带有石膏干墙板。它的最大高度为12层,相当于180英尺。
  • Type IV-C residential and office buildings would have two-hour rated wood structural components completely exposed with no drywall board enclosures. It would allow a maximum height of nine stories and 85 feet.



TheEngineering News Recordwebsitehttps://www.enr.com/是关于建筑法规的建议和批准更改的良好信息来源。

如果这些建议包含在IBC 2021中,并且如果我们的州或市政府全部采用新版本的IBC,我们可能会在几年内发现自己在可燃的高层建筑中扑灭大火。即使我们的州或市政当局选择不允许这些新类型的建筑物,我们也可以根据允许他们的社区的共同援助协议做出回应。现在开始审查我们当前的运营程序并起草这些新建筑所需的修改还不是太早了。

  • We may find that we are fighting fires in the upper floors of combustible buildings beyond the reach of our tallest aerial apparatus.
  • 我们可能会发现自己比以往任何时候都更加依赖固定的防火系统,例如自动消防洒水器和灭火器系统,以及各种类型的立管。
  • We may find ourselves dependent on the proper functioning of fire pumps that are part of the building’s equipment, rather than only dependent on the fire pumps on automotive fire apparatus
  • We may find that our fire inspectors and fire marshals will need more specialized training to ensure that these systems are maintained according to National Fire Protection Association codes and standards, so that they will be reliable when they are needed.
  • We may find that our firefighters and fire officers need more specialized training to effectively use these systems when they respond to a fire alarm at one of these buildings
  • We may find that we need more detailed preincident plans for buildings like these, and for the occupancies located in them, than we have in place for many of our present buildings

If we wish to avoid increasing the incidence of firefighter injuries and fatalities in these unfamiliar structures, we will find that the presence of buildings like the proposed Type IV-A, IV-B, and IV-C, will require more planning, and more education and training for fire department personnel.


格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)格雷戈里·哈维尔(Gregory Havel)是伯灵顿镇(WI)消防局的成员;退休的副局长兼培训官;以及一名40年的消防人员资深人士。他是威斯康星州认证的消防教练II,消防官II和消防检查员;Gateway技术学院消防计划的兼职讲师;and safety director for Scherrer Construction Co., Inc. Havel has a bachelor’s degree from St. Norbert College, has more than 40 years of experience in facilities management and building construction, has a Chief Power Plant Operating Engineer license from the American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE), and presents classes at FDIC and other venues.



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