
瑞克·拉斯基(Rick Lasky)


我并不是说改变是不好的。其中的一些is, but a lot of it depends on how you go about it. It’s just so hard to watch some in our profession work so hard to take the firefighter out of the firefighter and the firehouse out of the firehouse when, in fact-and we’ve said this before-we should be trying to put them back in. There’s nothing wrong with a firehouse looking like a firehouse instead of one of those hurry in/hurry out lube and oil change places. There’s also nothing wrong with letting our firefighters dress and act like firefighters. So many seem to be trying to remove these things, turn us into a “business,” and hide us from the public. I’m not saying that there isn’t a business side to what we do-quite the contrary, there most definitely is. I’m just saying that if you’re looking into why you can’t get your guys to do something for you or can’t understand why it seems as though they’ve lost their love for the job, maybe bringing back some of the “traditions” we used to have just might be that method you need to stoke those fires they have within them. Maybe that’s all you need to get them back to acting and looking like firefighters and maybe, just maybe, you could rekindle their love for the job. Trust them; they’re extremely smart and talented. They’re professional and will do a great job if you let them love the job just a little.

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