
最近,作为Georga Fire Academy(GFA)的新技术救援人员,我被分配来审查和更新技术救援计划。188博金宝体育1我的教学绳索救援背景为我提供了所需的技术知识,但这还不足以制定全州培训计划。通常,技术救援是救援行业的高风险和低频发生。由于一天中从未有足够的时间来培训消防员所知道的所有事情,因此我寻找指导来查看“技术人员”的期望。我研究了使用该术语来查看救援人员的期望的行业标准。经过多次对话并收到了对技术人员预期职责的矛盾解释后,我意识到我必须自己阅读标准。

现在意识到阅读oh-so-suspenseful booklet adorned in red could be as exciting as watching the grass grow, I decided to dive into the material. Confused at what seemed to be more conflicting information, I immediately figured out that I couldn’t jump to the end of the standard to find a fairy tale ending. Instead, I’d have to start at the very beginning. Once I did, it was clear that I was trying to make the wrong standard fit with our programs! Each standard is directed to a different audience. Perhaps you, too, have had difficulty trying to decipher which standard you should reference. If so, this overview of three standards may save a lot of time and confusion. However, if you are looking for the cure for insomnia, by all means, dive into the original documents yourself.


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