In Memoriam of the Deadliest Day in the Houston Fire Department

The American firefighter exemplifies man's greatest aspirations, and that is to be of selfless service to others. On Friday, May 31, 2013, that level of devotion, that intensity of purpose, and that undeniable commitment to the protection of others and our community were indelibly displayed. For 119 years, the Houston (TX) Fire Department has always been a shining example of excellence, service, and leadership. The Houston firefighter has always been willing to defend those intuitively understood natural commitments that free people have to one another and that make our society a shining example to the rest of the world.

On May 31,. while responding to a restaurant fire, Captain/EMT Matthew Renaud, 35, of Station 51; Firefighter/EMT Robert Garner, 29, of Station 68; Probationary Firefighter Anne Sullivan, 24, of Station 68; and Engineer Operator/EMT Robert Bebee, 41, of Station 51 entered the burning Southwest Inn and Hotel to search for and rescue possible trapped civilians. They went into that building in an attempt to save others. They went into that building using every tool possible, every bit of their training, and every ounce of their character. And although generations from now their names may be forgotten by society in general, their sacrifice and their commitment will never be erased from the memory of true firefighters.


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