本杰明·马丁在消防工程培训社区的最新活动188金宝搏是正规吗 http://community.fireengineering.com/profile/BenjaminMartin 2021年12月31日星期五11:04:55 +0000 2021年12月31日星期五11:04:55 +0000 本杰明·马丁在消防工程培训社区的最新活动188金宝搏是正规吗 http://community.fireengineering.com/profile/BenjaminMartin https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1534600564?profile=RESIZE_64x64&width=50&height=50&crop=1%3A1 50 1011758293 本杰明·马丁发表了一篇博客文章 https://community.fireengineering.com/xn/detail/1219672:BlogPost:652925?xg_source=activity < span class = " feed-string " > < a href = " https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/BenjaminMartin?xg_source=activity " >本杰明马丁< / >发布一篇博文< / span > < br / > < div class =“富人”> < h3类=“feed-story-title”> < a href = " https://community.fireengineering.com/xn/detail/1219672博客:652925 ? xg_source =活动”>懦弱的便宜座椅< / > < / h3 > < div class = "细节" > < div class = " rich-excerpt " > < div data-contentId = 1219672:博客:652925“>处理懦弱的廉价seatsI正站在我们培训中心的停车场射击微风和几个人,其中一个说,“嘿,伙计,你必须看到这个!”他拿出手机,拨通了Youtube,接着给我看了一段视频,视频中有两名消防员在停车场狂热地练习推1.75英寸的绳子。我很快就意识到这个视频的语气与其说是教学,不如说是讽刺,基本上是在抨击“喷嘴向前”项目。在真正的消防员风格中,这两个家伙对艾伦的实际教学进行了相当自由的解释。当那个给我看视频的人开始歇斯底里地大笑时,我问他是否参加过这个项目。他说:“当然不,那些家伙根本不知道他们在教什么,他们只是在从消防部门那里吸钱。”作为一名消防员,他不会让事实阻碍他的观点。我想我应该回过头来告诉你,从6年前开始,我就有机会在几个场合见到艾伦并向他学习。和你们许多人一样,我被他的热情、教学方法以及他的干部对他的支持深深打动了。也许他最让我印象深刻的事情是,在我参加他的项目的那个周末,他和其他帮助他的导师将所有的注册表捐赠给了当地一名消防队员的遗孀。虽然我对这个人传播一些不真实的东西感到恼火,但实际上视频里的那两个家伙更让我恼火。 This was wholeheartedly due to the fact that they were wearing their hoods over the faces, afraid to show who they were. Another anonymous critic, another facebook warrior, another complete and utter coward. Now I have to admit by not knowing the exact source of the video, it's entirely plausible these two guys took Aaron's class, and might actually be close friends of his. But as I recently saw Fit to Fight Fire post, friends talk shit to your face and don't have to hide theirs while doing it. So until proven otherwise, the two guys in the video remain a perfect illustration of the ignorance that exists in the fire service.Unfortunately, the fire service continues to struggle with the problem of cowardice from the cheap seats. For every one of us digging in, working towards understanding our craft, and leading others to the same, you still have a small group of morons up in the cheap seats drunk off their own vanity shouting obscenities at those actually playing the game. What's worse is that these fools think that in order for them to have any credibility it means that no one else can have any--so they talk shit, a lot of it, usually to people's backs. It's the universal sign of a coward.Regrettably, some people think the only way they can have credibility is if they destroy it first in others. But if you've read this far then you probably already subscribe to the idea that anyone can have credibility if they are willing to put in enough work. Your drive, curiosity, and dedication to the job help determine just how much you can have--not what someone up in the cheap seats thinks.If you aren't happy with the way something works then work to change it from the inside out. Don't just flap your gums at the guys doing all the work, actually get involved and risk someone else not liking what you say or do. Ignore those sitting in the cheap seats trying to coach from the sidelines--chances are they will never matter the way you can."The weight of failure is heavy but the weight of cowardice is unbearable." -Zac Varela#LeadersWantedSee More Tue, 07 May 2019 22:38:32 +0000 1003353451 里克·拉斯基和本杰明·马丁现在是朋友了 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/RickLasky?xg_source=activity Rick Lasky and Benjamin Martin are now friends
Thu, 18 Apr 2019 21:58:41 +0000