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I am proof that the explorer program works. At 14 years old I started in my combination dept. as an explorer. Now I currently hold the rank of BC within the career dept.


Stay Safe.

J.C.Like both Clyde and P.J. I started out as a cadet (local name for explorers) Great programs for teenagers who are curious about the fire service. We only started are program in 2001 and have had good success with it. Out of the 10 cadets we have had in the program (we're a small town), all but 2 are still active on the department as firefighters. We have made the minimum age to join 15. In addition to company drills we have cadet drills a couple times a month, where a officer and/or senior firefighter, go over the basics with the cadets. Hydrants, ladders, radio communications, etc. They are great to have on the fireground, they can take a plug, assist in laddering, and basically any exterior operations. At the local academy, they recently started a junior firefighter 1 program, which is firefighter 1 minus the power tools, and live burn scenarios. Once the cadet turns 18, the can return and in two weekends, they are certified to FF1. This is probible what you had seen at the Orlando academy. If you would like, I will send you a copy of our cadet bylaws.



Thanks and be safe,

Doug Yates说:
J.C.Like both Clyde and P.J. I started out as a cadet (local name for explorers) Great programs for teenagers who are curious about the fire service. We only started are program in 2001 and have had good success with it. Out of the 10 cadets we have had in the program (we're a small town), all but 2 are still active on the department as firefighters. We have made the minimum age to join 15. In addition to company drills we have cadet drills a couple times a month, where a officer and/or senior firefighter, go over the basics with the cadets. Hydrants, ladders, radio communications, etc. They are great to have on the fireground, they can take a plug, assist in laddering, and basically any exterior operations. At the local academy, they recently started a junior firefighter 1 program, which is firefighter 1 minus the power tools, and live burn scenarios. Once the cadet turns 18, the can return and in two weekends, they are certified to FF1. This is probible what you had seen at the Orlando academy. If you would like, I will send you a copy of our cadet bylaws.




P.J. Norwood说:


I am proof that the explorer program works. At 14 years old I started in my combination dept. as an explorer. Now I currently hold the rank of BC within the career dept.


Stay Safe.

JC. I'll send you message tomorrow with the by-laws when I get a minute at the station.

Stay Safe.
JC, If you want send me an e-mail in about 2 weeks. I am working with a committee that is re-writing our rules/regs for the explorers. Once complete I will forward to you for your utilization. I am a firm believer in not re-inventing just adapting what others are already successfully doing!

Stay Safe!


I don't remember when the Fire Explorer program started but its been many years. another thing your department might want to thing about is what a few metropolitan FD have started doing and that is start training them while they're still in high school. The FDNY High School For Fire And Life Safety and Chesapeake (VA) Fire Department, which is run by the Chesapeake Public Schools, are two that immediately come to mind. I'm not sure if I agree with the junior Firefighter program. You send a young man or woman through the academy, teach what we do and then tell them "Oh, by the way, don't go into that burning building." Keep their interest by having them take fire science, chemistry, etc classes for the last couple of years in high school. Maybe run them through the academy the summer between the junior and senior year, much like the National Guard does. That way if they are truly serious about making the Fire Service a career then bring them on board. Every Chief of the Department and Training Chief knows how much it costs the taxpayers to start a recruit through the academy and what a waste of funds it is if the individual won't or can't make the cut.


I am the Adult Explorer Advisor for our department's Explorer Post. As with everything, there are two sides to the program both good and difficult, never bad.

第一职业 - 该计划是一个伟大的招聘和保留工具。您将获得14-18岁的青少年,并希望仅在几年内将其发挥为您的部门,并且在您培训他们的事实中,您可以自豪。


We allow our explorers to work shift. 2 explorers each shift, after school hours and weekends. During shift they help with house duties, respond on runs and are allowed to assist on emergency runs as well but are limited to what they are allowed to do. So, you basically have 2 extra pair of hands with you at all times.



You could obtain "turds" as we call them that cause trouble within the explorer post or do as what was mentioned above


Great Concept! I was an explorer. It made all the differance. It is great for the department and the town or city!

Thank you and be safe,

I am the Adult Explorer Advisor for our department's Explorer Post. As with everything, there are two sides to the program both good and difficult, never bad.

第一职业 - 该计划是一个伟大的招聘和保留工具。您将获得14-18岁的青少年,并希望仅在几年内将其发挥为您的部门,并且在您培训他们的事实中,您可以自豪。


We allow our explorers to work shift. 2 explorers each shift, after school hours and weekends. During shift they help with house duties, respond on runs and are allowed to assist on emergency runs as well but are limited to what they are allowed to do. So, you basically have 2 extra pair of hands with you at all times.



You could obtain "turds" as we call them that cause trouble within the explorer post or do as what was mentioned above







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