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If your referring to using a wide fog to help clear some smoke out of a window or to help cool things down. Then yes not always, but sometimes depending on the situation. The reason you would try to direct a stream into the smoke would be to try to cool your atmosphere possibly in a pre flashover environment or to accelerate your steam conversion depending on the heat of the fire. I have done it, cant say it worked better than going after the seat, only because every fire is different and hind sights 20 20. I have found that everyone has the "only way" to do it, ya their is better ways than others but in all reality its not rocket science that we do, as long as the wet stuff gets on the red stuff and the hot stuff goes out, then you did your job. Keep an open mind on new tactics try them out in controlled situations and see what works best for you and in what situation.
Stay safe brother
The only thing that you really want to avoid is running a wide fog while inside. It creates a low pressure area behind the nozzle and the fire gases and embers get pulled down on your crew. Also it tips the thermal layer right then, so you need to have good awareness of your location and conditions. Thermal Imager is great for smokey, steamy conditions like that.


我发现的大火,美国的方式或欧洲之路有很少的方法。美国的方式强调将结构排放为高等重点。另一方面,欧洲的方式强调结构的限制。(I’m not talking bad of the American fire service; each tactic has its place on the fire ground. Confinement of a fire is not always the best tactic either. People are as split on this issue as they are between a fog and smoothbore.) If your looking for a good book to read and help you with your decision on putting water on smoke or just fire, take a look at this book (3D Firefighting by Paul Grimwood). Or you can go to his。I’ve read the book 2 times and go to the site often and highly believe in his thought process on firefighting in structures.

If you wait to long to apply water with the environment changing rapidly you can find your self in a bad situation!

As a general rule I think you should apply water on fire rather than smoke. A high heat atmosphere with no fire showing indicates that there is inadequate ventilation or there has been insufficient overhaul to allow access to the seat of the fire (or both). Of course heat levels are relative and you might be encountering "normal" heat build up or you may be facing a possible flashover situation. You can deal with normally expected heat while you continue to search for the visible fire. However if the heat is very intense, and the smoke is dark and pushing under pressure, I'd be a lot more comfortable backing my personel out rather than leaving them in position to apply water on the smoke.
Training is the master key to this subject and confined space fire combat experience is another key. New synthetic furnishing and decorative materials tend to generate lots more thick, dark smoke than natural prime materials. You may well face a growing fire, with rerlatively low potential flashover potential but generating enough smoke to require a snowplow to get inside. Short narrow fog spurts into the smoke mass, directed upwards, will probably help thin out the smoke mass, while lowering the temperature inside that mass. If you can't see the glow from the seat of the fire, a TIC is an invaluable tool, if the dept's budget can afford it.
克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)对美国和欧洲限制空间消防之间的差异的评论非常准确。188金博网网址多少这两个概念之间的基本区别不是完全基于通风或不发泄,而是建筑构建的基本概念。在北美,木材仍然是绝大多数住宅和中小型多功能建筑物的主要建筑材料,在欧洲,金属和/或混凝土结构被砖和/或水泥块所包围。木材燃烧,水泥,混凝土和砖块没有(尽管在长时间暴露于极热的情况下可能会破裂)。我还会推荐保罗·格林伍德(Paul Grimwood)的书(尽管他是英国人,但他花了很多年的时间与美国FD的几个相关)。
Keep safe out there.
The simple answer to this question is by gas cooling the compartment with short burst from a spray jet on entry reduces the chances of flashovers. One has to remember that the smoke, at high temperatures whilst confined may be explosive above the neutral plane. Therefore, by cooling the gases it makes the environment safer for the firefighters.

Stay Safe


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