
Where firefighters come to talk training


作者:Joe Pronesti

在我轻松的椅子上放松一个星期天,看着我最喜欢的团队The Green Bay Packers,一家广告是一个流行的电子平板电脑。这款平板电脑吹捧其新功能称为五月按钮。据说,当用户按下时,一个实时聊天代理会出现在屏幕上,以帮助您解决各自平板电脑遇到的任何问题。

I thought to myself how crazy it was that a tablet could have this technology getting you an actual live calm face to walk you through your computer "emergency" but we as the fire service can be paralyzed when we hear the word MAYDAY, MAYDAY,MAYDAY! In my opinion, we have done a better job in recent years getting our firefighters trained or at least prodded to think about what to do in the event of an emergency or how to avoid one altogether. But what about incident commanders, have we done enough for them?

A recently released NIOSH report on a tragic line of duty death in Philadelphia did an outstanding job reviewing this event; if you have not studied it please take the time to access it and review with your fellow firefighters. One thing that caught my eye that appeared new compared to previous reports was how it bulleted 13 points called "The Incident Commander’s rules of engagement for fire-fighter safety".

1.Rapidly conduct or obtain a 360-degree situational size-up of the incident. (As part of the risk assessment plan and action development plan, determine the safest approach to tactical operations before fire fighters are placed at substantial risk.)

2.Determine the occupant survival profile. (Consider fire conditions in relation to the occupant survival of a rescue event before committing to a high-risk search and rescue.)

3.Conduct an initial risk assessment and implement a safe action plan. (Before fire fighters are placed in high-risk positions on the fire ground, develop a safe action plan by conducting a size-up, assessing the survival profile, and completing a risk assessment.)

4.Consider a defensive strategy when you do not have the resources to safely support and protect fire fighters. (Do not commit fire fighters to high-risk tactical objectives that cannot be accomplished safely due to inadequate resources on the scene.)

5.不要冒救火队员的生活生命危险或道具吗erty that cannot be saved. Seriously consider a defensive strategy. (Do not commit fire fighters to high-risk fire-fighting operations that may harm them when fire conditions prevent occupant survival or when significant or total destruction of the building is inevitable.)


7.Extend vigilant and measured risk to protect and rescue savable lives. (During high-risk search-and-rescue operations where lives can be saved, manage search-and-rescue and supporting fire-fighting operations in a highly calculated, controlled, and cautious manner while remaining alert to changing conditions.)

8..Maintain frequent two-way communications and keep interior crews informed of changing conditions. (Request frequent progresses reports and continually inform all interior crews of changing fire conditions observed from the exterior that may affect crew safety.)

9.Obtain frequent progress reports and revise the action plan. (Obtain frequent progress reports to continually assess fire conditions and any risk to fire fighters and to regularly adjust and revise the action plan to maintain safe operations.)

10.Ensure accountability of every fire fighter, their location, and status. (Maintain a constant and accurate accountability of the locations and status of all fire fighters within a small geographic area of accuracy within the hazard zone and be aware of who is presently in or out of the building.)

11.Seriously consider a defensive strategy, if after completion of the primary search, little or no progress toward fire control has been achieved.




训练自己对于这些事件没有to be real elaborate, there are numerous fire simulation software programs available where you can input a picture of your town’s buildings adding fire and smoke conditions; a twist that you can add to these simulation is the addition of a MAYDAY, throw in an emergency with your crew when watching a You Tube video, listen to MAYDAY audio, search the internet, etc. When looking at buildings in your district ask yourself “what would I do in the event of an emergency here or a collapse trapping my firefighters?” Work on your situational awareness, train with your firefighters on handling these events even if its ten minutes at the kitchen table, the big thing is to just do it, sharpen your and your crew’s “button”.


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These are great instructional tips for preparedness. And you're right: training yourself for these events does not have to be really elaborate, just make sure you get all the aforementioned bases covered and drill, drill, drill. There are plenty of廉价消防簿在那里有助于加快流程,并确保您涵盖了所需的一切。不难,只是做。

虽然我同意培训RIT/RIC/FAST团队,但一些部门将其置于极端状态,这是他们训练的唯一事情之一。同时忽略了基本的消防实践。188金博网网址多少在我看来,这是训练您的消防员失败,在操作级别和命令级别上都需要保持平衡。我最近与此这样的部门进行了一些培训。我参加了两次分开的培训,每种培训都是消防员的某种形式的情况,在我在这个部门进行培训期间,我问了一些成员的正常培训。每个人都告诉我,每个月都有2次培训均应进行诸如匹兹堡钻头或丹佛钻的RIT训练,或者涉及RIT场景的NIOSH报告。同时,每月其他两个练习是一个军官演习和一个EMS演练。我可以看到您是否有4个培训,其中两项针对消防员技能,每季度有一个适合RIT的技能,但是每季度有6个消防员的训练,每四分之一的soley soley朝着RIT或FF下降方案而定,这与我们应该是相反的相反正在做。

To me if we train our firefighters basic firefighter procedures or even train them to the firefighter 2 level once they are off their probationary period they will be better preparded to understand what to do in a potential MAYDAY scenario and possibly end up preventing a MAYDAY call.

Just my opinion on the topic, and I appreciate any views off of this statement

训练yourself is good, but it is not enough for these events. We should get training from professional person. They will give demo by drilling etc.


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