
Where firefighters come to talk training

The article below illustrates why I have such a passion for fire service training. Quality and realism in training may someday save a life, a career or perhaps keep a firefighter out of jail. I believe as an instructor I am responsible to ensure that every responder or student that attends our training receives the skills and knowledge required to safely and effectively respond to a hazmat incident. I am driven to provide quality training because I don’t want to read an article or watch on the news that a student that attended our course made an ignorant mistake or a poor decision that has caused injury, death, or possible prosecution.


We are training a new generation of students, young men and women who are accustomed to technology, constant change, and have a thirst for information. To keep these students engaged in training we must break out of the traditional methods. It’s our responsibility to answer the question “why” with a better response than “because that’s the way we have always done it”.


我们绝不能为模拟学生以外的所有事情进行平庸的培训,而是 - 我们必须在开箱即用并努力制定渐进式培训计划。我觉得这对那些会追随我们的人是我们的责任。

我最大的成就是一个有害物质教练would be that a hazmat tech we trained responded to an incident, handled it safely, and it made the 3rd page of the hometown newspaper.

UPDATED AT 11:32 A.M. — YAKIMA — Ellreese Daniels, the incident commander charged for the deaths of four Central Washington firefighters at the Thirtymile fire, is set to be sentenced Wednesday. More than seven years after the deaths, the sentencing at U.S. District Court in Spokane will be one of the last formal steps associated with the Thirtymile saga.
Killed at Thirtymile were firefighters Tom Craven, Karen FitzPatrick, Jessica Johnson and Devin Weaver. Weaver, 21, Johnson, 19, and FitzPatrick, 18, were from Yakima; Craven, 30, lived in Ellensburg.
The four died July 10, 2001, while battling a blaze ignited by an unattended campfire. They were trapped by flames when an inferno swept over them on a dead-end road along the Chewuch River in the Okanogan National Forest.
另一名Yakima消防员Jason Emhoff被烧毁了,一对索普露营者Bruce和Paula Hagemeyer被船员被困。
美国森林服务局和Yakima Herald-Republic的调查发现,一系列主管没有采取他们应该采取的措施,包括选择安全的逃生路线。
Firefighters from across the country have voiced support for Daniels.
丹尼尔斯(Daniels)的律师,斯波坎的公共辩护人蒂娜·亨特(Tina Hunt)在她的判决摘要中对法官弗雷德·范·萨基(Fred Van Sickle)法官说,在这种情况下,缓刑比监狱更合适。亨特说,异常的火行为和地形是造成死亡的原因,他认为丹尼尔斯从来没有疏忽行动。
Hunt said the case has already cast a pall over the federal fire service. Firefighters now must wonder whether they will face prosecution for decisions made in the dangerous, rapidly evolving environment of a wildland fire.
Since the Thirtymile tragedy, Kathie FitzPatrick, Karen’s mother, has been one of the most vocal critics of Daniels and the Forest Service. She plans to read a five-page statement in court Wednesday. The presentation will cover her memories of her daughter and her feeling that the Forest Service continues to fall short in securing the safety of firefighters.
Other relatives are also expected to speak.

政府将致电两名证人,丹尼尔斯的熟人吉姆·弗隆(Jim Furlong)和三十英里的消防员丽贝卡·韦尔奇(Rebecca Welch)。韦尔奇(Welch)挽救了索普(Thorp)的两个露营者的生命,他们与丹尼尔斯(Daniels)的船员一起被困。总共有14人通过潜入最后的消防庇护所中幸存下来。
The biggest shift has come in the Forest Service’s emphasis on principle over policy. The new approach, known as "doctrine," strives to replace dozens of rules with broader principles.
Rules and standards — everything from wearing boots to cutting trees the right way — won’t be discarded. But doctrine-based decisionmaking, based in part on the principles of military leadership, should make it easier for firefighters to think more dynamically about their situations, according to Forest Service officials.
While Forest Service officials say it’s unrealistic to expect no more firefighters will ever die, as evidenced by entrapment deaths since Thirtymile, they hope to continue reducing the statistics.


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Be safe Brother!




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