Fire Engineering Training Community


Well we cannot pick up the newspaper or turn on the television or radio without listening to discussions on the stock market or local economic issues facing all of our communities. It is worse in certain parts of the country than others but the US as a whole is facing tough economic times. In my community we have had to make some difficult decisions regarding our current and future budgets. At the same time, the economic climate in which we currently live and work has forced us to take a fresh look at our organizations and become more efficient and increase effectiveness at the same time. I am interested in knowing what your department is doing on all levels to successfully overcome the lean times in the fire service.





We respond to 500+ calls per year and cover 18 square miles with a population of 3,500. We operate 2 engines, pumper tanker, rescue unit and brush engine with 15 volunteers. Hopefully the media, which I thank contributes to the problem, will back off and let the economy straighten itself out.
We recently notified 6 of the 7 people that we had scheduled for recruit class to let them know that we would not be able to take advantage of the SAFER grant that we had won and, therefore, would not be able to bring them on. Current predictions have us loosing a million dollars from our budget in 2009 and three million in 2010. That puts us at our 2005 numbers in the second fastest growing county in the state. The Fire Chief is doing a good job of staying ahead and preparing for the hit, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with the fact that our service is going to suffer while our state carries a significant surplus in the budget.
不幸的是,在我的工作中,我们损失了公司。在过去的一年中,我们失去了重型救援公司和医护人员的职位。最糟糕的是,这些关键公司几乎没有whim吟。联盟,酋长或公众没有太多噪音。我的观点不是要归咎于责备,因为在我们部门内外有很多可以散布的东西,而是要说消防队长和工会在艰难的财务时期必须“加强他们的比赛”。从历史上看,公司的衡量标准是其运行人数。酋长总是通过引用公司的运营数量来证明该公司的合理性。工会将通过传单和新闻稿依靠社区支持。“你不想失去消防公司!!”在过去的几年中,当市政厅威胁要削减策略时,它成功地阻止了削减速度。 Not this time, though. The public and city counselors got tired of hearing the same old song from the chief and the union. After all, times are hard all around. The vague "Lives are at stake" argument falls on deaf ears when people are worried they are going to loose their jobs or homes. "Stepping up your game" includes careful, measured analysis of response times, work load and other data that tell the public in a measurable way what we do. NFPA 1710 is a scientifically proven document that spells out the national standard for the minimum of what career depts need to do to be effective. There are so many resources out there for chiefs and union officials to draw upon! The IAFC, IAFF, NFPA, American Heart Assn., NREMT, etc! When, as we know, lives are truely in the balance we owe it to ourselves to "step up our game" when our most precious resource, our responders, is at risk.
我可以在这个问题上双向采取两种方式。我同意我们必须花时间重新评估我们的业务方式。我们是否正在竭尽所能提高效率?是否有方法可以提高服务水平而不会增加收入?I don't know that we have to change just because of the economic storm we are in. I want elected and department officials to sit down and evaluate the actual situation of the community and make decisions based on facts not perception.我还要说,区域化在该国许多地区有效。印第安纳波利斯都会部门已开始合并为一个部门。这是一个拼小的过程,需要花费一些时间来解决与人员和设备有关的所有不同方面。

分享ef Abdu Nur said:

I am familiar with your situation and it looks like the next couple of years are going to be a challenge to budget. Fortunately you have a Fire Chief who is knowledgable in this area of financial management and involved in discussions with the elected officials. Brownsburg has an outstanding reputation and a long history of providing exceptional services to the community you protect. I look for the community to support your organizaiton and work along side you to resolve this crisis with little impact to service.

We recently notified 6 of the 7 people that we had scheduled for recruit class to let them know that we would not be able to take advantage of the SAFER grant that we had won and, therefore, would not be able to bring them on. Current predictions have us loosing a million dollars from our budget in 2009 and three million in 2010. That puts us at our 2005 numbers in the second fastest growing county in the state. The Fire Chief is doing a good job of staying ahead and preparing for the hit, but I’m having trouble coming to grips with the fact that our service is going to suffer while our state carries a significant surplus in the budget.
克里斯,我不同意。我们必须始终对该行业充满热情。当我们(部门的成员,不仅是管理人员)不给这个问题100%,它传达了一个不好的信息,即首先可能不需要这些职位。将这些职位恢复非常困难。我刚刚收到了Ichiefs的文件,讲述了风暴的风化。我尚未阅读整个文档,但这是您提到的资源的一个示例。整个消防服务必须共同努力,以限制在这些时间中切割的位置数量。部门必须优先考虑我们的核心使命,即保护生命和财产。当我们希望减少预算时,消防员职位应该是最后一个裁员。该部门总有可以修剪的区域。 It takes hard work and time to find ways to meet the challenges of today's economic environment. I refuse to meet these challenges on the backs of the nations firefighters.

Chris Fleming said:
不幸的是,在我的工作中,我们损失了公司。在过去的一年中,我们失去了重型救援公司和医护人员的职位。最糟糕的是,这些关键公司几乎没有whim吟。联盟,酋长或公众没有太多噪音。我的观点不是要归咎于责备,因为在我们部门内外有很多可以散布的东西,而是要说消防队长和工会在艰难的财务时期必须“加强他们的比赛”。从历史上看,公司的衡量标准是其运行人数。酋长总是通过引用公司的运营数量来证明该公司的合理性。工会将通过传单和新闻稿依靠社区支持。“你不想失去消防公司!!”在过去的几年中,当市政厅威胁要削减策略时,它成功地阻止了削减速度。 Not this time, though. The public and city counselors got tired of hearing the same old song from the chief and the union. After all, times are hard all around. The vague "Lives are at stake" argument falls on deaf ears when people are worried they are going to loose their jobs or homes. "Stepping up your game" includes careful, measured analysis of response times, work load and other data that tell the public in a measurable way what we do. NFPA 1710 is a scientifically proven document that spells out the national standard for the minimum of what career depts need to do to be effective. There are so many resources out there for chiefs and union officials to draw upon! The IAFC, IAFF, NFPA, American Heart Assn., NREMT, etc! When, as we know, lives are truely in the balance we owe it to ourselves to "step up our game" when our most precious resource, our responders, is at risk.
Our department is cutting back by limiting the spending on what is only absolutely necessary. We try to remind our members to keep the doors closed,turn down the heat and turn off the lighting when they leave. We are trying to come up with some creative and implement already proven fundraising ideas. A major problem that will soon be impacting our volunteer fire service, here in PA, is the opening of several casinos. The casino owners have such a strong financial stronghold on our politicians that will be impacting our fire service in the way of our fundraising. Reportedly, if some of what is rumored comes to fruition, we may no longer have the games of chance, other than bingos, to raise money at our carnivals. Again, I'm not sure this to be true. But having said that, we have to be the stronger voice politically to maintain a position with our politicians. Our State boasts about the $15,000 grant that they provide each fire company,if他们申请,mak的赌场是什么ing. You and I both know that $15,000 does not last long if most departments. The casinos need lever pullers to make money. Yeah, no brainer. The politicians need financial backing to support their campaigns, because they need lever pullers too. My simple theory is that volunteer fire companies, in our State pale in comparison, financially to a politicians need to raise campaign funds, so they seek out the money makers. Also, it is unwise for any fire company to get involved in government politics when it comes to elections. Our power must come from our numbers, as it relates to our votes. We have over 2000 volunteer fire companies in the State of PA. Let's say for instance, each fire company has 20 members. That works out to be 40,000 votes. Could that impact an election? Maybe. What if each company had 40 members? It's not about making up numbers, though. My point is that we need to form a stronger bond of our masses, to support our fire companies, financially. Historically, volunteer fire companies save the taxpaying citizens money each year. We save the communities we serve a lot of money. Casinos, in my opinion, are good in that they will bring in jobs, spur the tag along businesses, like the restaurants, other clubs, and venues with more jobs, etc. The downside is that they want a near complete control of gaming. The gaming that has helped most of our fire companies survive for as long as we have. Another downside is if people are spending money to hopefuly obtain a windfall, what becomes or our donations, and our annual fund drives that most of us have? They potentially will take away our bread and butter if we do not pay attention. We need to form better a better bond as a firefighting force, much like we do when we fight a structure fire, and really communicate with our politicians. That includes phone calls, e-mails, rallies, speaking at their sessions, when applicable, and our respective votes. Make them hear us. Anytime there are cuts to be made in a government budget, it occurs more often than not in Public Safety. That isn't right in any fire department, career, combination or volunteer, or for any Public safety entity! We all give back to our communities in a way that no other other industry can. We put are lives on the line daily! We all "protect and serve", we all" volunteer because their lives depend on it", we all "save lives, protect property and preserve the environment". We do our jobs! Anyone of us who has saved a life, or did a courageous task, simply says, it's what we do, it's just part of the job. We got to get the message out there, that we need more to do what we do and to do our job. The message must come from us. How many of our communities know that when 911 is called, a volunteer fire department is responding? Many don't know, or don't care. I firmly believe that while the casinos have the financial numbers to support their cause and well being, we also have numbers to put up, found in our sense of brotherhood for each other, to support our cause and well being through the way we communicate and finally with our votes. We have so many firefighting organizations out there. Join one that lobbies the legislators and let's build up our numbers! I'm sorry for the length. Just how I feel. Again this is just my opinion. I really wish you all nothing but the best and hope we stick together before we just get stuck. Thank you.

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