我记得,多年前,作为一名有进取心的年轻FF/EMT,我们曾为一位糖尿病患者接诊。我们一进去就发现他被家人围着。当另一个人试图测量他的血糖读数时,我试着测量他的生命体征。现在,我要告诉你的是,他真的在打架、叫喊、鞭打、咒骂他的母亲,把自己弄得痛苦不堪。不用说,生命体征是不可能获得的。我还在试的时候救护车的医护人员走进来询问他的生命体征。作为一个受过良好教育的诚实的孩子,我告诉他们我得不到他们。现在我们都知道,大多数人都是以他们想要的方式听到的,或者更重要的是,我们不希望他们听到的方式。当然,站在床边的妈妈就是这种情况。她听到:“我找不到。” Well, of course, this started the wailing that precedes the funeral. You’ve never heard the like. It was quite some time before she could be convinced that her grown son was alive, just in need of a little care. Once outside, the Medic pulled me to the side and said, “Hey, next time do us all a favor and make something up. Give me the ol’ 140/80 routine. I’m gonna check it in the ambulance again anyway. You just have to pretend like you know what you’re doing sometimes.” I took this advice to heart. It was sage advice, even coming from our medical brethren. It stuck in my head.
快进十年左右。我是一名经验丰富的消防老兵给一群菜鸟消防员上课。我们花了一整天的时间钻探,有些孩子就是不明白。他们犯了一些小错误,感到有点沮丧。在一次休息时,他们中的一些人聚集在一起,其中一人腼腆地问道:“如果我们在现场把事情搞砸了怎么办?”如果我们当着平民的面做呢?”好吧,我把手伸进我的脑袋,拿出那首多年前传给我的小曲。我告诉他,“小家伙,有时候你得表现得你知道自己在做什么。我们会知道区别,如果会伤害到别人,我们会当场纠正,但如果是可以留到以后再做的事情,就假装你知道自己在做什么,没有人会知道。”这似乎对我们有所帮助我们用一种新的精神来攻击今天剩余的进化。 At the end of the day, we talked again, and I tried to impress on them that none of us, Old Heads included, really know everything. I learn some new trick or method every week. It is an ongoing process, for all of us. Never take anything for granted. Just because that’s the way we do it, doesn’t mean that's the best way. If you have an idea, try it. Bring it to the dinner table and hammer out the details with the boys. None of us wants to work harder; we just want to do it smarter. No one is going to give you grief for that.
就像在我成长的年代,我看着一个工程师做他的泵测试。他在适当的压力下测试了安全阀,然后把曲柄一直开到顶部,直到它砰的一声掉了下来。看到眼前发生的暴力,我畏缩了一下,问他为什么要这样做;会不会损坏阀门?你为什么不把它放在你需要的地方呢?他回答说:“因为我就是这么做的。”我说,“为什么?”在一次坚实的扩眼之后,他向我解释说,这是我们一直以来的做法。“你当工程师多久了?”我问。 “Fifteen years”, he growled, and proceeded to stomp off and not speak to me for the rest of the day. After a bit of kissing butt, I got back on his good side and managed to get him to look at the situation from a different angle. After a little gnashing of the teeth and some mumbling, he finally agreed that he could in fact leave it set, after testing it, and that it might save him some time and trouble on scene.