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We are looking at buying new helmets under a PPE grant. What are some of the positives and negatives regarding the major traditional style helmet manufacturers? Cairns, Ben Franklin, Paul Conway, Bullard, Phenix? Who makes the best helmet?


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对于任何人来说,我有一个太平洋F7传统和凯恩斯传统的现代头盔,并不断使用它们。我讨厌所有这些,因为佩戴SCBA时的趋势是在进行内部和大修操作时猛烈抨击我的鼻子。如果背部边缘在弯腰或降低时从后面接触任何东西,则头盔将扳手。如果我弯腰捡起东西,它向前滑动,我不得不弄乱它。然后我发现了这一点。纽约州韦尔顿维尔的酋长有一个盖特的消防骑士,他因其自己的部门而被猎杀。成员。150美元后,我现在有了右头盔。缺点:它的头部高一两英寸,我看起来像达斯·维达(Darth Vader),很难安装任何东西。优点:两个点下巴带,棘轮捏头式头带,两个遮阳板(Cairns Defender下拉底部)和一个外部遮阳板都集成在头盔内部。 I do not need saftey glasses (as opposed to goggles) that scratch or fog up for mva's, its as light or lighter than any other helmets I have used and it has a great neck protector that fits over myjacket neck collar by 3 inches. I can see people wanting the old style helmets because of tradition or fit or whatever, but I will never go back. My next one is the rosenbauer xtreme. I tried one on at the chiefs show in Harrisburg PA. what a beauty!
我们不满意保罗·康威(Paul Conway)传统头盔的戴后,我们正在寻找新的部门头盔。我们可以从我所做的统一津贴中购买皮革,并且对合身和磨损感到非常满意。保罗·康威(Paul Conway)经过两年的磨损后,出现了一致的问题,头盔周围的乐队掉落了。背面的棘轮尺寸调节轮也戴在几个头盔上。成员抱怨这些头盔的重量,尽管公平地说,它们的重量与我的皮革相同。



Dave Block said:
I have a Cairns N6A that is in major need of a new paint job. I have been going back and forth with deciding if I should repaint it myself. I think I should have a Professional Do it. I was recently passed a website that Repaints Leather Helmets and found that it is no longer in operation. Can anyone recommend a website? Thanks!
我完成了一个非常深入的研究,子juct a few years ago, and we ended up going with the Morning Pride after teasting all of the major manufacturers helmets.

If you need more info let me know.

我有机会穿着Cairns复合材料和Bullard Composite,目前有Cairns N6A皮革。我认为,我可能会说凯恩斯复合材料坐在头上高,织带僵硬且难以调整。我相信Bullard复合材料位于磨损头上,更容易调整织带以适合磨损头。L.T.在我的部门有一个保罗·康威(Paul Conway),我已经检查了一下,看来比我的凯恩斯(Cairns N6A)重,但是我知道我不是卖出的代表,我只穿着并看到了几个头盔。如果我以自己的方式戴上凯恩斯皮革头盔,我的部门中的每个人都会戴上它。
我们刚刚在PPE赠款下拿到了新的头盔,并与Cairne Tradistric 1010一起使用。现在,他们与这些传统的唯一原因是传统。Supensionionsystem比我们的旧Cairnes Modern更舒适。但是那些基本上只有头部的皮带。我并不是真正照顾传统风格的头盔,而是一磅或两磅。如果您戴了一段时间,可以在脖子上扭结。但这不是我与他们的主要问题。顶部的鹰是我最大的抱怨,我是一个高个子,已经抓住了许多门jam的鹰。
I personnaly would rather have a modern helmet and I could take the suspension out of the new and put it into my old I would. Don't get me wrong there is a place for traditional helmets, but I like the modern style.
我目前在2005年购买了880个传统购买,我遇到的唯一问题是,它一开始似乎有些沉重,但随后习惯了,裙子周围的边缘开始脱落,以为Ben 2 Plus带EZ翻转。
-One of the perks I have enjoyed over the years is sitting on an evaluation committee and in this capacity I have had the opportunity to try several of the helmets mentioned. As it is better to remain positive lets just talk about the helmets that work best.
-Cairns also has a new eye shield that is on several models of traditional helmet that seems to be doing well... the shield pivot up and into the helmet like on an aviator helmet; Cairns calls this the Defender Visor which retract into the helmet itself. Several members of my FD have this model and they love 'em.
-The Ben II are ok. They have some design features Im not crazy about, but all in all a great performing helmet. Easy to use and repair and lighter than Cairns. My suggestion though is if you select Ben's find another company to make your leather front shield. The Morning Pride shield is very poor quality and shrinks excessively. The best shields on the market are from Paul Conway; hands down.
-Paul Conway ....他制作了出色的盾牌而不是头盔。头盔往往与很小的圆顶配合,并且不舒服。说够了。
- 布拉德(Bullard)和菲尼克斯(Phenix)...尝试了……甚至不值得一看。
- 马特,传统风格比现代风格的头盔重略重,但这是为了获得更好的影响保护的权衡。我花了六个月的时间来定量评估传统风格的现代风格,并且可以非常自信地说,现代风格头盔绝对没有比较或在提供传统头盔所能提供的保护方面与众不同。

马特·霍尔曼(Matt Halfmann)said:
We just got new helmets under Matta PPE grant and went with the Cairne Traditional 1010. Now the only reason they went with those is tradition. The supensionsystem is alot more comfortable then our old Cairnes modern. But then those had basically just the leather strap around the head. I am not really caring for the Traditional style helmets, they are a pound or two heavier. Which if your wearing it a while can put a kink in your neck. But that is not the main issue I have with them. The eagle on top is my biggest gripe, I am a taller guy and have caught that eagle on to many door jambs.
I personnaly would rather have a modern helmet and I could take the suspension out of the new and put it into my old I would. Don't get me wrong there is a place for traditional helmets, but I like the modern style.
Rick, we are getting new lids as well with our AFG. We currently wear Ben 2's, by morning Pride. Godd helmet, but a bit top heavy. I'm leaning towards the Bullard, sits lower, very comfortable, with many adjustment levels to fit any head. The Cairns 1044 is a close second. More research to be done next wee at Indy!

Stay Safe Bro! Hope to see you next week.
Hahahha, I think that the guys that bump their heads are going to do so no matter what helmet they wear. LOL. God created vertebra so as to be able to move one's head and avoid unwanted contact with stationary objects.

迈克尔·布里科特(Michael Bricault)说:
- 马特,传统风格比现代风格的头盔重略重,但这是为了获得更好的影响保护的权衡。我花了六个月的时间来定量评估传统风格的现代风格,并且可以非常自信地说,现代风格头盔绝对没有比较或在提供传统头盔所能提供的保护方面与众不同。

马特·霍尔曼(Matt Halfmann)said:
We just got new helmets under Matta PPE grant and went with the Cairne Traditional 1010. Now the only reason they went with those is tradition. The supensionsystem is alot more comfortable then our old Cairnes modern. But then those had basically just the leather strap around the head. I am not really caring for the Traditional style helmets, they are a pound or two heavier. Which if your wearing it a while can put a kink in your neck. But that is not the main issue I have with them. The eagle on top is my biggest gripe, I am a taller guy and have caught that eagle on to many door jambs.
I personnaly would rather have a modern helmet and I could take the suspension out of the new and put it into my old I would. Don't get me wrong there is a place for traditional helmets, but I like the modern style.

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