Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

A message from President Nelms:

FOOLS members,

We have begun 2010 and it's time to set the tone for another great year. As we plan our first meeting, we have several things to square away. Here's where we'll begin:

Our 1st meeting of the year will be on January 20th. I think this date will allow the majority of our membership to attend. We'll hold this meeting at the Beef O'Brady's in Franklin. We've been here in the past and have always had a good turn out. We'll shoot for a start time of 6:30.

With it being the first of the year, half of the e-board positions are open for election. This year (even), we'll hold the election for President, Sec./Treas., Membership Trustee, and Website Trustee. Our Current V.P. (Joe Polenzani), Merchandise Trustee (Geoff Manfree), and Training Trustee (Dave Brasells) will remain in their positions until next year (odd). Please contact any of your current e-board members (phone, e-mail, face-to-face, etc.) to nominate a current member that is in good standing for any of the e-board openings. All those nominated will be presented to the general membership at the 1-20-2010 meeting. An election will be conducted at this meeting and the results will be presented to the general membership.

The first of the year also brings our annual membership dues. We must pay a certain amount to the International (based our # of members) with the remainder (not much) being put back into our chapter. Please come to the meeting on January 20th prepared to get this squared away. We must pay the International by no later than 1-31-2010. Your help with this immediate need is greatly appreciated.

All our chapter merchandise will be at the meeting for purchase, we'll have a short training segment, look forward to future meetings and events like the FDIC and the FOOLS Convention, and share the brotherhood that comes with being part of the greatest profession in the world.

If anyone has any questions, please contact a member of your e-board. Keep an eye on our website for updates, information, etc. It's a great tool to keep us all in the loop. Thanks for your time, gat your nominations in, and I hope to see you on the 20th. Stay safe.



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请注意,由于调度(cra的冲突ppy weather) our location for Wednesday's meeting has changed. We will now be meeting at Beef O'Brady's,1724 Carothers Parkway, Suite #100, in Brentwood. It's just up the road from the Tin Roof.

Here's a map:

See you at 6:30...and don't forget to bring your lid!



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