Fire Engineering Training Community






Electronic Pump Panels.... I hate them! Years after we were forced to switch to this type of pump and after years worth of fire scenes seeing them in action, I can say without any hesitation, that these technological "improvements" haven't added to the safety and efficiency of a fire scene.





I am a firefighter that has been Riding Out of Grade (ROG) as an engineer for 3 years. As a ROG I have been floated to every station and have been able to Ride Up on all the units. I agree with the previous two brothers about the issues that affect engineers. We are on the process of making all the nozzles "uniform" throughtout the county. The problem with that is that only half are switched to the low pressure nozzles and of those not all have the same stem that have the same flow rate. The hardest thing after checking out the truck and finding which nozzles are where and what to pump them at is to remember which truck I am on while doing it. I have to make a list on a note pad as back up.

We have all gone to the electronic pump panels on our engines and tankers. The best way to run them is in RPM which you are not supposed to do. But, in PRESSURE even the slightest hiccup it will reder the system useless. You have to reset the whole thing before you can get the pressure up again. The best thing I have seen is "LOW SUPPLY" while hooked to a hydrant I know is flowing more than my pump capacitiy.

I couldn't agree more to your last comment....I think even though new technology is a good thing, it actually is taking alot of the true training and learning curve out of it...How did we ever survive w/o computer guided equipment?? We learned it,trained on it, and became proficient at it...not relying on a computer to tell us how to do it...ok..enough of my soap box.

Where I come from we call an engineer without any training a KNOB PULLER but with the new pump panels I guess it would be BUTTON PUSHER. Engineers need to know what they are doing or they will get someone hurt or worse.
为什么为所有工程师/司机/驱动程序提供40 - 80次驾驶和抽水课程,您可以在您的组织中称之为。这是一个如果不是最重要的位置。当然,它可以像推动按钮或拉动杠杆一样简单,但是当事情出错时,我们知道他们可以在你的组织中操作泵的人有快速避免灾难的知识和技能吗?通过几乎每天发生的设备事故,初始和年度驾驶和泵训练是必要的。
Our district just recently began requiring Fire Apparatus Engineer certification as the minimum requirement for new pump operators. I am one of the first to be signed off in through certification vs. in house training. Many of our operators already have FAE and annually we have to complete a drivers course and road course on every class of vehicle we are allowed to drive (engine, tender, truck).
Hey Joel,

This is what our company members have to do to be a pump operator/driver on our apparatus.( with manual gates) see operator/second asst eng. and the evaluation form for each time on the road(condensed to our requirements ) All courses are required before entering the position. They also must attend and operate at the MCFA FF 1 putting it all together live burn with 3 Engines, 2 trucks in operation, twice. This is a live structure fire scenero in a 2 story masonary burn building. This builds confidence and reasures their capabilities for the real deal.


STAFE SAFE !! Dennis

Also, the newer personel who are trained to operate the engine will be completely lost when it comes to pumping any other truck in our district. I believe it is very important to train our new drivers on a "knobs and levers engine" first so that they understand all of the concepts behind pumping before they rely on presets and the push of a button. I truly believe that the electronic pump panel is dangerous and will get someone very hurt or worse.


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