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Who do you feel should do the Rescue on a HazMat Scene?
- 首先是消防员
- 哈兹玛特技术人员




It all depends on the chemical involved. If the only known hazards of the chemical are respiratory and SCBA and turnout gear are the only PPE needed to be safe then of course the First in Firefighters should do the rescue assuming that the firefighters are at least HazMat Ops trained. Of course the big problem is that you normally do not know what chemical is involved until a team goes in and gathers that information. But if there is a leak and there are victims near the leak an educated guess may be made as to the dangers of the chemical based on the victims conditions, using binoculars of course, ie; if the victims are screaming/talking there is pretty good chance that there is no respiratory hazard, if the victims skin is red and blistered then the chemical is most likely an irritant of some sort and turnout gear may not offer any protection. In this case it would be best to wait on the HazMat Techs and level A suits, other wise the rescuers may become additional victims.
I agree with you on the firefighters doing the rescue, as long as a Hazard and Risk assessment is done by the rescuers. I would like to touch on one other thing and that is if the victims are able to move they may be able to rescue themselves. Now one important thing is with that in mind an emergency Decon must be set up by the firefighters, which should include an attack line of some sort and manpower. While the victim is making the move towards the warm or safer zone the firefighters could be stripeing and flushing at the same time. Now you maybe thinking that can not be possible if the chemical reacts to water. The class I just took through the University of Findlay was for my WMD Instructors card and they taught that copious amounts of water will dilute the chemical. What are your thoughts on this?
一个很好的例子是f of f of f program的网站,虚拟链接托德·麦基(Todd McKee)
您提出了一些非常好的观点,并想到我可能需要快速培训如何正确操作卡车上的警笛声,这将使消防员可以向自我救援受害者提供指示,同时留下一个安全的区域。拷贝数量的水可能对某些化学物质有用,但对所有物质都不起作用(重要的是要记住,WMD通常是由某些化学物质制成的,并且大量的水帮助它们,但是当然,没有一种适合Hazmat的尺寸)。关于DECON,我们教我们的所有成员(甚至包括初级成员),在任何人都可以进入之前,必须为“入境”团队设置某种紧急DECON(这可能很简单,因为直接连接到排放的喷嘴在卡车的一边),有人必须担任安全官员的角色,接下来我们试图将抄写员分配给IC进行记录事件,这是一个初级成员,因为他们的能力有限;任何人都可以做笔记。我希望让受害者首先脱下衣服(因为这消除了90%的污染物),然后将其洗掉。但是,如果它是像氯这样的化学物质,那么最大的问题是蒸气云,一旦您逃脱了云,只有最少的化学物质会在衣服中留下最少的化学物质,并且它与水反应。您是否曾经考虑过使用空气将受害者吹走。这将与干粉类型配合得很好,我们曾经使用Flower进行训练来模拟化学物质,一旦Decon引入水,这真是一团糟,使人们清洁。 Since, we carry a regulator set-up to connect to an SCBA cylinder that then can be used with standard air accesories including blow guns and tools. We handle a lot of fuel spills on the interstate highway many involving large trucks' deisel tanks, with the regulator and a kiddie pool we contain the leak in just a minute after arriving on scene, so it has many uses.
In our jurisdiction we are normally first to arrive on scene on the Trans Canada Highway. It all depends on identifying the material and we train on making these identifications initially. There is then a protocol to obey and the HazMat technicians would come in pending on the situation and the resuce would then occur. Recently we tend to be focusing on situations such as the Clandestine Meth Labs and grow operations and how to deal with these situations and doing a DECON.
The keyword in the question is the word "Rescue". When the victim is still moving or shouting or showing any other signs of life the dangers imposed on the victim will not kill the rescuer immediately.

When the victim doesn't lie in a building and is not in the middle of a pool then the standard SCBA and turnout gear is safe enough to snatch the victim, bring him to a safer area and strip him to his underwear. 80-90 of any possible contamination will allready be removed. The remaining contamination can usually be removed by washing the hair with the water straight from the tank. It is however important to wear the proper boots and gloves. Very few vapours or gases will be present in a high enough concentration to do any harm. But then again the victim is even less protected and is still alive.



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