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Firefighter Basics


Firefighter Basics

Sharing Training, LEARNING Tradition, LIVING to go home

Location:Charleston, S.C.
Latest Activity:Jan 6, 2015

Discussion Forum

Back to the Basics Program

How many of your departments have had to institute back to the basics programs? If so why? Are there any arguments against them? Would you do it in house? Would you hire a private training company?Continue

Started by Marques Bush Nov 20, 2014.

Quotes and Phrases that effect us as Firefighters and as Brothers!16 Replies

This could go in many groups, but we get to start here with my friend Marques, because, getting the BASICS on this job are the most important thing we can do and quotes and phrases thoughout your…Continue

Started by Jeff Schwering.Last replyby Mike France Apr 18, 2011.

Surprise8 Replies

Being a fairly good size town , you never know what you are going to find when you respond to a call. But we had a nice little Surprise at a Electrical fire , while doing a search we stumbled upon…Continue

Started by Mike France.Last replyby Mike France Aug 2, 2010.


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Comment byPete Forshawon August 3, 2012 at 9:34pm

Great Page.!!

Comment byJeff Schweringon August 7, 2010 at 10:44pm
Mike Missouri is a blast this time of year! 110 heat index and fun stuff like that. The Brothers are top notch, right Nick?
Comment byMike Franceon July 30, 2010 at 9:22am
Sure , need to to get away
Comment byNick Morganon July 26, 2010 at 6:55pm
Well Mike, I wouldn't say you are "the fool", just a humorous coincidence. We all know the promise, "Ask, and you shall receive", we just don't always know where the answer will come from. :-) Would you come train us in Missouri after you're trained?
Stay safe brother!
Comment byShawn Donovanon July 26, 2010 at 4:51pm
So need the training before you give the training? There are enough of us here that can give you some help if you need it.
Comment byMike Franceon July 26, 2010 at 1:12pm
Well am i the fool after asking for help on this issue the State conatcted me this afternoon to host the the Train the Trainer class for Personal Rope Rescue,
Comment byMike Franceon July 26, 2010 at 10:06am
Need som e help , doe's anyone have any thing on Training for persoanl rescue rope and harness's that they can send me
Comment byJason Hoevelmannon July 14, 2010 at 6:27pm
Hey, great group and information. Keep it coming and stay cool, Brother. Like you'll have any problem with that.
Comment byNick Morganon July 13, 2010 at 12:32pm
Thanks for the invite Marques! We can never have too much of THE BASICS!

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