成功讨论的Hazmat标语牌 - 消防工程培训社区188金宝搏是正规吗 2022-07-24T12:04:24Z https://community.fireengineering.com/group/hazmatplacardstosuccess/forum?feed=yes&xn_auth=no “摇晃和烘烤” 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2012-07-23:1219672:主题:558458 2012-07-23T01:23:24.046Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd

What type of incidents have you responded to regarding one pot meth labs. Feel free to post pictures and let us know how you responded .

What type of incidents have you responded to regarding one pot meth labs. Feel free to post pictures and let us know how you responded .

香气 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2012-06-26:1219672:主题:552557 2012-06-26T20:22:47.837Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd



    • 实验室玻璃器皿
    • Bunsen Burner
    • 干冰
    • 化学物质,例如砷三氧化物,盐酸,硫酸,硫酸锌和锌粉(闪闪发光的蓝白色固体)…




    • 实验室玻璃器皿
    • Bunsen Burner
    • Dry ice
    • Chemicals such aresenic trioxide, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, zinc arsenide, and zinc powder (glittery bluish-white solid)


    Arsine is a colorless gas, but the production method may generate a cloudy vapor. Arsine has a strong garlic odor or high onion odor at high concentrations but this m ay not serve as a useful warning property.

    Arsine Lab Set Up

    化学与生物剂生产(指标和警告) tag:community.fireengineering.com,2012-06-11:1219672:Topic:548291 2012-06-11T13:43:17.763Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd


    Ricin is extractracted from castor seeds, which come from the ricin plant RICINUS communis.

    Key Indicators:

    • Castor seeds ( not kidney shaped )

    • Marbles, beaker

    • pH…


    ricin是从蓖麻子种子中推出的,蓖麻子来自Ricin Plant ricinus communis。指标:

    • 蓖麻子种子(不是肾脏形)
    • 大理石,烧杯
    • pH纸
    • 实验室过滤纸或白色粉末
    • 死动物该区域
    • 手套和面罩
    • 基本设备,例如可以轻松获得的搅拌机,罐子和钳子(当地五金店,实验室供应房,高中实验室)
    • 化学物质,例如乙酸(醋),丙酮,漂白剂,四氯化碳,己烷E,盐酸(Muritic Acid,DEA List II调节化学物质)。等... em>

    ”“ 330”/> 上面是蓖麻豆


    ricin毒素可以是液体或“白色粉末”的形式。 The "white powder" more commonly associated with the toxin is indicative of a pure product. Crude ricin powder may have discoloration due to impurities, but the particle size may still be within the respirable range.

    Over flow Damn 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2012-01-26:1219672:主题:520842 2012-01-26T22:04:20.079Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd

    有兴趣查看有关实际使用和“ flow damn”的任何图片。


    有兴趣查看有关实际使用和“ flow damn”的任何图片。


    Post Incident Action Plan tag:community.fireengineering.com,2012-01-24:1219672:Topic:520472 2012-01-24T01:33:14.338Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd



    消防员快速参考紧急切换。 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2011-01-26:1219672:主题:254024 2011-01-26T06:03:36.509Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd 新的有机过氧化物标语牌 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2011-01-25:1219672:主题:253559 2011-01-25T18:42:09.210Z 汤姆·本特利 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/tombentley 我希望我可以获得一些新的信息from the members on here about the new Organic Peroxide placard that has come out. The red and yellow one that is on the front cover of the 2008 ERG. I know some of the basics about it, but I am hoping someone will give me the whole story about this placard. Is it only for "Temperature Controlled" Organic Peroxides? 我希望我可以获得一些新的信息from the members on here about the new Organic Peroxide placard that has come out. The red and yellow one that is on the front cover of the 2008 ERG. I know some of the basics about it, but I am hoping someone will give me the whole story about this placard. Is it only for "Temperature Controlled" Organic Peroxides? Crude Oil tag:community.fireengineering.com,2010-05-04:1219672:Topic:176693 2010-05-04T04:10:23.402Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd 原油(重原油)比水轻还是重? 原油(重原油)比水轻还是重? 危险品安全官 tag:community.fireengineering.com,2010-04-28:1219672:Topic:176230 2010-04-28T02:23:29.638Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd Per NFPA What level of training should you be trained to become a ISO for a HazMat Incident? Per NFPA What level of training should you be trained to become a ISO for a HazMat Incident? Clean Air Act 标签:community.fireengineering.com,2010-04-26:1219672:主题:176120 2010-04-26T21:45:44.818Z 托德·麦基 https://community.fireengineering.com/profile/todd What OSHA Regulation covers The Clean Air Act? What OSHA Regulation covers The Clean Air Act?