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Structural Collapse Rescue


Structural Collapse Rescue

discuss issues, incidents, causes and prevention of Structural collapse in rescue operations

Latest Activity:Nov 19, 2014

Please feel free to join up, we are looking for anyone interested in discussing and learning about Structural Collapse Operations. We welcome photos and descriptions of incidents you may have operated at in you area.


Discussion Forum

What to Carry4 Replies

由Joe Kvacik创立。Last replyby Michael Yinhar Oct 7, 2010.

Cutting Tables11 Replies

由Art Bloomer发起。Last replyby Art Bloomer Aug 25, 2010.

Delsar地震/声学听力设备训练。4 Replies

由斯蒂芬·希尔(Stephen Hill)开头。Last replyby Jeff Matthews Jun 26, 2009.



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评论byBill Cummings2011年2月9日上午10:17
有人对在救援支撑物中使用层压的道格拉斯冷杉有任何反馈吗?我们有一家当地制造商,正在考虑通过它们获得支线材料的可能性,并且真的很感谢您对其使用的意见,而不是使用“标准” Douglas Fir(如果可以的话)。提前致谢。
评论byBRENT WEIRon October 8, 2010 at 1:59am
嘿迈克尔!我本周在我们的县团队的USAR刷新过程中指导,并在大约10分钟内搅拌了这款夹具。首先,有一个10英寸的技能来切入4x4。我服用了2'x2'的废胶木。切成2 4x4的2 4x4在12-1/2”之间,将它们夹在2x4之间(以获取适当的间距)并用胶合板的末端将它们钉住了。然后取2'4x4,并固定在垂直于其他4x4的胶合板上...这是将为楔子切割的2x4的停止。我将刀片测量到锯子的桌子外部,然后将其标记。在生产线上钉上胶合板的钉子(锯向导)切开了从4x4的底部边缘切开相同的距离向导。然后只需在2x4中滑动,用夹具的末端切开冲洗,然后沿向导跑,穿过4x4的停止足以完全切割楔形套件,然后沃尔里亚(Volia)!他们证明很棒!更改尺寸以适合所需的楔形类型。 I'll try to get a picture to post as well.
评论byMichael Yinharon October 7, 2010 at 12:42pm
David G******** tried reaching you offline and was rejected by your server
Many thanks for your offer to help
Michael Yinhar
评论byDavid O. Couvelhaon October 4, 2010 at 3:22pm

Contact me off line and I can send you copies of our 2x4 & 4x4 wedge jig plans. Pretty simple and they work. My email is
评论byMichael Yinhar2010年8月25日下午2:32
Michael Yinhar
评论byDrew Smithon June 29, 2010 at 11:13am
The below link shows illustrations of grading stamps. These are applied by mills to lumber. These stamps indicate the species and grade of the lumber. I obtained this from the Candian Wood Council and it is based on the American Lumber Standards Board of Review

In the publication THE U.S. SPAN BOOK FOR MAJOR KUMBER SPECIES you can not only see what spans are available for each grade but find additional information about bending strength both parallel and perpendicular to the grain. Other book show these values as well.

As for supplier, a true lumber yard will give you what you ask for and these stamps verify that.

评论byMike Donahueon June 20, 2010 at 10:25am
The wood inspection comment brings up a good point. More times than none we build shoring systems with what is stocked on our lumber trucks, and or what is delivered by an outside company to the actual scene (for larger operations). We have to rely on our own knowledge and ability to chose which lumber we'll shore with and what lumber becomes wedges. Do you think we can have good quality control or trust our suppliers to give us only the best? They may man not have the knowledge and or understanding of all that is considered when engineering these systems (PSI Rating, Wood Type, Age, Is it straight)
What are your thoughts?
Happy Fathers Day,
Mike Donahue
Progressive Rescue
评论byBRENT WEIRon January 18, 2010 at 2:05am
评论byBRENT WEIR2010年1月18日上午2:00

评论byJohn O'Connellon May 31, 2009 at 12:06pm
Hi Jim, the double T shore is still a temporary spot shore, even though it has two posts making it alot more stable. the only test data i know of is with the USACE, we tested two double T's tied together like a laced post. it held over 100,000 lbs before one of the posts broke at a knot. the single double T will be more than twice as strong as a single T BUT what the real issue is how is it loaded,,, if the shore is out of plumb or the load is unbalanced above, who nows how much it will hold.


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