Structural Collapse Rescue Discussions - Fire Engineering Training Community 2022-08-13T04:37:29Z What to Carry,2009-06-18:1219672:Topic:146509 2009-06-18T21:53:47.899Z Joe Kvacik I am new to this whole thing and just starting out in the Tech Rescue / Collapse team. I was wondering what everyone carried with them (personally) when deployed on a Collapse incident. Is there something that you carry that you would recommend others carrying? Can you give me a basic list on things to carry...Hammer, tape measure, speed square, level,pencils...
I am new to this whole thing and just starting out in the Tech Rescue / Collapse team. I was wondering what everyone carried with them (personally) when deployed on a Collapse incident. Is there something that you carry that you would recommend others carrying? Can you give me a basic list on things to carry...Hammer, tape measure, speed square, level,pencils...
Delsar seismic/acoustic listening device training.,2008-06-03:1219672:Topic:59255 2008-06-03T12:25:59.316Z Stephen Hill I am looking for inexpensive devices that could be used to place in a structure before a collapse so we can train using our delsar equipment to locate a victim. I am looking for inexpensive devices that could be used to place in a structure before a collapse so we can train using our delsar equipment to locate a victim. 减少表,2008-03-24:1219672:Topic:17251 2008-03-24T20:33:39.803Z Art Bloomer I'm in the midst of writting an article on Building Collapse and I have a question. How many of you have pre-assembled cutting tables? If you do...why? And if you don't.....why not? I'm in the midst of writting an article on Building Collapse and I have a question. How many of you have pre-assembled cutting tables? If you do...why? And if you don't.....why not? Atlanta Tornado,2008-03-22:1219672:Topic:15552 2008-03-22T03:25:20.289Z David Rhodes Has anyone had to deal with massive amounts of glass broken in highrises after storms or collapse? Our downtown area is still partially closed off and the contractors have started the removal process. This highly technical processes uses a man in a harness inside the building knocking all the glass out into the street. This is crazy to me. I think they should be required to work from the outside and knock the glass in the building but they are being allowed to knock it out. Any thoughts or… Has anyone had to deal with massive amounts of glass broken in highrises after storms or collapse? Our downtown area is still partially closed off and the contractors have started the removal process. This highly technical processes uses a man in a harness inside the building knocking all the glass out into the street. This is crazy to me. I think they should be required to work from the outside and knock the glass in the building but they are being allowed to knock it out. Any thoughts or experience with this? New nailing patterns,2008-03-14:1219672:Topic:10677 2008-03-14T21:34:01.738Z Art Bloomer I know they aren't that new, but since the change, I've run into lots of other rescuers that have no idea that there were changes to some of the nailing patterns. And when I try to explain the reasons that I was told they were changed, they look at me like I'm on acid. I had the same problem with introducing the double t-spot shores. There needs to be a better way for people that might not be on USAR teams to get these updates. John, your book is a great source for info, but you wrote it before… I know they aren't that new, but since the change, I've run into lots of other rescuers that have no idea that there were changes to some of the nailing patterns. And when I try to explain the reasons that I was told they were changed, they look at me like I'm on acid. I had the same problem with introducing the double t-spot shores. There needs to be a better way for people that might not be on USAR teams to get these updates. John, your book is a great source for info, but you wrote it before these changes, maybe its time for a second edition (LOL). I'm sure Sean is going to teach the new stuff out in Indy, but we need a way to get the word out to the whole rescue community, anyone have any ideas?